Please keep in mind that many of the following quotes are taken out of context, be it for comedic effect or out of necessity. Take all of them with a grain of salt and bear in mind they don't necessarily reflect their originators' views and opinions. That being said, if you find any quote to be particularly awful, please notify the moderator of your choice to have its removal evaluated.
This game is full of fictional the complimentary person.
Rodney Thompson
Board Games on Dice Friends
Let's try and avoid street level entirely, because street level is filled with children with knives.
Board Games on Dice Friends
It's kind of unsettling to watch women walking around wearing a lot of clothing in anime.
None on Rhythm Cafe
I have to remember where circles are.
Evangelion Shin Gekijouban 3nd Impact on Rhythm Cafe
I think I still have time to buy drugs.
Monster Prom on Now Kiss!
Adam, Adam he's our man, if he can't do it we're in deeeeep trouble.
Dauntless on Games of Chance
You're like my Pokemon.
Dauntless on Games of Chance
Resident Evil is a dumb game, and I hate it!
Resident Evil HD Remaster on Let's NOPE
to every spider ever
Resident Evil HD Remaster on Let's NOPE
FUCK SHARKS!.......Don;t fuck sharks kids.
Resident Evil HD Remaster on Let's NOPE
"Serge cheats in Minecraft all the time." "But I don't use mods, so I still have the moral highground."
James & Serge
Minecraft on Mine O'Clock
"out of sight, out of mind." "But I can still hear them." "out of sight, out of mind!"
RebelliousUno & Serge
Minecraft on Mine O'Clock
In the grim dark future of mine o'clock there is only butter.
Minecraft on Mine O'Clock
Everybody, welcome to the Bone Zone!
Minecraft on Mine O'Clock
Then you tell me where my pants are, James!
Minecraft on Mine O'Clock
'What kind of hole would you make for a hole worm?' 'A wormhole!'
Dale and Beej
Board Games on Dice Friends
I'm gonna be fine and look scary.
Board Games on Dice Friends
I don't want to sound like myself, what's the point of that?
Board Games on Dice Friends
Ian, these were really good dice, and then I lent them to you...
Board Games on Dice Friends
Think of me as like a very violent golden retriever.
Board Games on Dice Friends
'Tell me if I'm not allowed to do this.' 'That doesn't sound like me.'
Kathleen and Dale
Board Games on Dice Friends
The DM's here laughing and smiling, I'm sure it will go perfectly.
Board Games on Dice Friends
Humans have a difficult time being reupholstered.
as Yuri Armstrong
Board Games on Dice Friends
I respond out loud with my brain-thoughts.
Board Games on Dice Friends
What we need to do is rescue these Calvin Klein underwear models, who all look quite fetching...
as Inspector Assayer
Board Games on Dice Friends