LRRbot Quotes

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Please keep in mind that many of the following quotes are taken out of context, be it for comedic effect or out of necessity. Take all of them with a grain of salt and bear in mind they don't necessarily reflect their originators' views and opinions. That being said, if you find any quote to be particularly awful, please notify the moderator of your choice to have its removal evaluated.
  1. #5078
    The best place to keep a spaceship is underground.
    — Ian [2018-06-18]
    Board Games on Dice Friends
  2. #5077
    It has been many centuries since I've needed to deal with this level of swamp-ankle.
    — Kathleen, as Inspector Assayer [2018-06-18]
    Board Games on Dice Friends
  3. #5076
    Maybe I will take a second to dump some of the fluids from my jumpsuit.
    — Kathleen, as Inspector Assayer [2018-06-18]
    Board Games on Dice Friends
  4. #5074
    Oh I'm sorry, you can't clean yourself that way - in boiling oil.
    — Beej, as Carfax™ Seagull [2018-06-18]
    Board Games on Dice Friends
  5. #5073
    What if you get a flat hover unit?
    — Dale [2018-06-18]
    Board Games on Dice Friends
  6. #5072
    I just want to make sure I understand the plan. Because I'm enjoying this, but I'm not following it.
    — Dale, as DM [2018-06-18]
    Board Games on Dice Friends
  7. #5071
    That's why I try to avoid dying. So much hassle.
    — Ian [2018-06-18]
    Board Games on Dice Friends
  8. #5070
    I'm here for the comedy.
    — Graham [2018-06-17]
    Project CARS 2 on Bonus Stream
  9. #5069
    We're here for fun.
    — Graham [2018-06-17]
    Project CARS 2 on Bonus Stream
  10. #5068
    Really, racing is about forging your own path. Change my mind!
    — Graham [2018-06-17]
    Project CARS 2 on Bonus Stream
  11. #5067
    Let me make up my own headcanon.
    — Graham [2018-06-17]
    Project CARS 2 on Bonus Stream
  12. #5066
    We all had a good laugh when Ian slammed directly into a wall of tires.
    — Ian [2018-06-17]
    Project CARS 2 on Bonus Stream
  13. #5065
    The most holy of family days: the day I don't work.
    — Kathleen [2018-06-17]
    Project CARS 2 on Bonus Stream
  14. #5064
    I am, in fact, an asshole.
    — Kathleen [2018-06-17]
    Project CARS 2 on Bonus Stream
  15. #5063
    I like the swoopy wiggly part.
    — Kathleen [2018-06-17]
    Project CARS 2 on Bonus Stream
  16. #5062
    No one becomes a maniac racecar driver overnight,
    — Kathleen [2018-06-17]
    Project CARS 2 on Bonus Stream
  17. #5061
    I just want to look at things that make me happy.
    — Kathleen [2018-06-17]
    Project CARS 2 on Bonus Stream
  18. #5060
    I could really get lrrEFF 'd up on some ham right now.
    — Kathleen [2018-06-17]
    Project CARS 2 on Bonus Stream
  19. #5059
    I don't need peer pressure - I have my own pressure thank you. All my pressure comes from within me.
    — Kathleen [2018-06-17]
    Project CARS 2 on Bonus Stream
  20. #5058
    I got distracted flipping that man off.
    — Kathleen [2018-06-17]
    Project CARS 2 on Bonus Stream
  21. #5057
    I am like a glacier: I will get there eventually.
    — Kathleen [2018-06-17]
    Project CARS 2 on Bonus Stream
  22. #5056
    That's why they call him Paul "smooth like sandpaper" Saunders
    — Ian [2018-06-17]
    Project CARS 2 on Bonus Stream
  23. #5055
    The future is Corners
    — Ian [2018-06-17]
    Project CARS 2 on Bonus Stream
  24. #5054
    Lots of data means fun!
    — Ian [2018-06-16]
    Project CARS 2 on Bonus Stream
  25. #5053
    I refuse to drive your car!
    — Heather, to Ian [2018-06-16]
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