Please keep in mind that many of the following quotes are taken out of context, be it for comedic effect or out of necessity. Take all of them with a grain of salt and bear in mind they don't necessarily reflect their originators' views and opinions. That being said, if you find any quote to be particularly awful, please notify the moderator of your choice to have its removal evaluated.
How many pianos is too many pianos? Let's find out together.
Games + Demos on Watch and Play
Should I relinquish my hat soup?
Dungeons & Dragons on Dice Friends
I'd feel betrayed if I didn't see this coming...
Dungeons & Dragons on Dice Friends
Your keen adventurer's senses tell you that you are in a bathroom.
Dungeons & Dragons on Dice Friends
Threats are, like, only half as bad as threatening to kill someone.
as Peloton
Dungeons & Dragons on Dice Friends
We're good for now, everyone continue to love your rock.
Unknown Player's Poor Schmuck Slayer on One More
It's hard to pay attention when I'm funny.
The BIT.TRIP on Rhythm Cafe
The fish will happen organically.
The BIT.TRIP on Rhythm Cafe
odd that there isn't a flunge quote
Magic: The Gathering on Friday Night Paper Fight
Are we making the trains touch?
Magic: The Gathering on Friday Night Paper Fight
Generally great; specifically terrible.
Magic: The Gathering on Friday Night Paper Fight
You're not a dream. You don't know me.
Magic: The Gathering on Friday Night Paper Fight
I mean what is a cow if not a leather dog?
None on Games of Chance
just swipe left already
Paul, on 19th century romance
None on Games of Chance
I'm an adult, I pay taxes, I have dollars, I can buy everyone four dollar ice cream.
There's a small chance I am not a professional streamer. I don't want to alarm anyone...
Unknown Player's Poor Schmuck Slayer on One More
what's that alien movie with will Smith and the coffee boss guy?
Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux on New Day Tewsday
oh there's so many Atlus games you can play if you hate yourself and have a lot of free time.
Kathleen, to Heather
Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux on New Day Tewsday
I had some weird butt stuff the other day.
None on Dice Friends
It looks exactly like how a witch's hut doesn't.
Dungeons & Dragons on Dice Friends
The racoon fails, and feels bad about its life choices.
Dungeons & Dragons on Dice Friends
We're gonna get wiped by a trash panda.
Dungeons & Dragons on Dice Friends
Does anybody want some hat soup?
as Peloton
Dungeons & Dragons on Dice Friends
I can't think of anyone else who would have a chance of bangin'
as Malfeasance
Dungeons & Dragons on Dice Friends
The human form disgusts me.
The Metronomicon on Rhythm Cafe