Raccoons tend to all look alike, unless you have a discerning eye
The stream is not currently live. Next scheduled stream: Play it Forward (Alex heads into The Zone on Play it Forward. Game: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl) at Wed 10:00 AM PDT (11:27 from now).
Please keep in mind that many of the following quotes are taken out of context, be it for comedic effect or out of necessity. Take all of them with a grain of salt and bear in mind they don't necessarily reflect their originators' views and opinions. That being said, if you find any quote to be particularly awful, please notify the moderator of your choice to have its removal evaluated.
I put the dagger into my pants...
Dungeons & Dragons on Dice Friends
Follow me, minions!
Dungeons & Dragons on Dice Friends
I just don't wanna live where all the bugs are at.
Dungeons & Dragons on Dice Friends
They're like garbage bears, if garbage bears could fly. And kill you with a scrape of their tails.
of wyverns
Dungeons & Dragons on Dice Friends
It's cuz I shot it right in the butt, they hate that.
as Daji
Dungeons & Dragons on Dice Friends
What I don't have in acrobatics I make up for in charming disposition and sick muscles!
as Rigen
Dungeons & Dragons on Dice Friends
Whenever I make a mistake, that's a house rule.
Dungeons & Dragons on Dice Friends
'Welcome to the void of not being good at the game.' 'They have a whole void for that?'
Cori and Heather
The BIT.TRIP on Rhythm Cafe
Why did space get mad at me?
The BIT.TRIP on Rhythm Cafe
I assumed you were space. I've been calling you beautiful.
to Cori
The BIT.TRIP on Rhythm Cafe
At the end of the day, isn't a pea just a depressing cheeto?
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He's no Dale, but who is?
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I dig this, let's just get in there.
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This is satisfying in a way that I'm not comfortable with.
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Lived on a farm, just sheep and grass and sadness everywhere.
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You have betrayed my tiny trust.
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Cameron, experience this hell.
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Hail Satan, the nice goat.
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You could have left me putting wasabi on things, but instead we're going to touch some stuff.
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Where you going little buddy? Do you, do you want to join your mom in hell?
While herding cats
None on Adam's Gamehaüs
Oh really? you judge my stripping?
Horizon Zero Dawn on Adam's Gamehaüs
I'm looking at the rules document here, and it does say you can work him over with a tire iron. It was errataed.
Magic: The Gathering Online on LRRMtG
Chat can't talk about my misplays if I distract them with goofy shenanigans!
Magic: The Gathering Online on LRRMtG
That's sad; no monkey.
Magic: The Gathering Online on LRRMtG
Spoilers: Heather's the smart one.
The Crapshoot on The Crapshoot