LRRbot Quotes

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Please keep in mind that many of the following quotes are taken out of context, be it for comedic effect or out of necessity. Take all of them with a grain of salt and bear in mind they don't necessarily reflect their originators' views and opinions. That being said, if you find any quote to be particularly awful, please notify the moderator of your choice to have its removal evaluated.
  1. #8839
    This isn't the lost nut.
    — Jacob [2023-11-17]
    None on Crossing the Streams
  2. #8838
    Be ready, youths; I'm coming for you and your opinions.
    — Kathleen [2023-11-17]
    None on Crossing the Streams
  3. #8837
    All right, no one else likes food.
    — Erika [2023-11-17]
    None on Crossing the Streams
  4. #8836
    If you'd like to ruin your life and start playing Final Fantasy XIV, let me know.
    — Jacob, to Andy [2023-11-17]
    None on Crossing the Streams
  5. #8835
    I didn't think the cardboard would be this sticky.
    — Jacob [2023-11-17]
    None on Crossing the Streams
  6. #8834
    Can I be dismissed to the ethereal plane?
    — Jordan [2023-11-17]
    None on Crossing the Streams
  7. #8833
    (off-screen cackling)
    — Jacob [2023-11-17]
    None on Crossing the Streams
  8. #8832
    In the past we've had news reporters come in. And none of them had to get fired in disgrace or anything.
    — Kathleen [2023-11-17]
    None on Crossing the Streams
  9. #8831
    Join me, you'll never leave. Not a cult.
    — TQ [2023-11-17]
    None on Crossing the Streams
  10. #8830
    This donut shall remain sad and lonely.
    — James [2023-11-17]
    None on Crossing the Streams
  11. #8829
    Now people are trying to tell me the Offspring isn't ska.
    — Cori [2023-11-17]
    None on Crossing the Streams
  12. #8828
    Love me some bisexual Hamlet.
    — Julie [2023-11-16]
    None on Crossing the Streams
  13. #8827
    You look like a spermy whale specimen.
    — Ben [2023-11-16]
    None on Crossing the Streams
  14. #8826
    I'll go suck some sap out of this tree. Oh, that was awful, why did I do that?
    — Graham [2023-11-16]
    None on Crossing the Streams
  15. #8825
    Welcome to Equaling Matt Wiggins here on 92.1 The Squaaaaaaaaaat.
    — Graham [2023-11-16]
    None on Crossing the Streams
  16. #8824
    There's more than one way to cube a cat.
    — Wiggins [2023-11-16]
    None on Crossing the Streams
  17. #8823
    I've always wanted to see James against Muppets.
    — Ian [2023-11-16]
    None on Crossing the Streams
  18. #8822
    Okay stop crabs.
    — Graham [2023-11-16]
    None on Crossing the Streams
  19. #8821
    Graham is receiving meat in the corner.
    — Jordan [2023-11-16]
    None on Crossing the Streams
  20. #8820
    This is no mouth.
    — Graham [2023-11-16]
    None on Crossing the Streams
  21. #8819
    Like a responsible visitor to a state park, I shall leave only footprints and psychic damage.
    — Kathleen [2023-11-16]
    None on Crossing the Streams
  22. #8818
    That's just going to be a loop of the explosion dragon.
    — Jacob [2023-11-16]
    None on Crossing the Streams
  23. #8817
    Dale is a helper and he makes dreams come true (mostly his own).
    — Kathleen [2023-11-16]
    None on Crossing the Streams
  24. #8816
    Would I lie to you? Absolutely! I 100% would.
    — Jacob [2023-11-16]
    None on Crossing the Streams
  25. #8815
    You can't give the milk away for free, unless the juice isn't worth the squeeze from the stone for its blood.
    — Ian [2023-11-15]
    None on Crossing the Streams