LRRbot Quotes

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Please keep in mind that many of the following quotes are taken out of context, be it for comedic effect or out of necessity. Take all of them with a grain of salt and bear in mind they don't necessarily reflect their originators' views and opinions. That being said, if you find any quote to be particularly awful, please notify the moderator of your choice to have its removal evaluated.
  1. #4700
    I wonder if we can Geoguessr into ice cream again.
    — Alex [2018-02-21]
    Silent Descent on Let's NOPE
  2. #4699
    Well I guess we're gonna roast a gerbil.
    — Graham [2018-02-20]
    Metal Gear Survive on New Day Tewsday
  3. #4698
    I'm not very persuasive, I'm just fluffy.
    — Paul, as Dande [2018-02-19]
    Dungeons & Dragons on Rhythm Cafe
  4. #4697
    I have scary-thing cunning.
    — Paul, as Dande [2018-02-19]
    Dungeons & Dragons on Rhythm Cafe
  5. #4696
    'I would let her sneak attack herself.' 'As your attorney...don't.'
    — Dale and Graham [2018-02-19]
    Dungeons & Dragons on Rhythm Cafe
  6. #4695
    Just put your blood into the wand and go to sleep. What could go wrong?
    — Graham [2018-02-19]
    Dungeons & Dragons on Rhythm Cafe
  7. #4694
    I'm a helper!
    — Dale [2018-02-19]
    Dungeons & Dragons on Rhythm Cafe
  8. #4693
    You have ways to mitigate the falling. Stopping falling is not one of them.
    — Dale [2018-02-19]
    Dungeons & Dragons on Rhythm Cafe
  9. #4692
    Sometimes you win, sometimes you get killed by titylicker69.
    — El_Funko [2018-02-13]
    None on One More
  10. #4691
    Yes, the weasel is a noble animal!
    — Cameron [2018-02-16]
    Doki Doki Literature Club! on Now Kiss!
  11. #4690
    Stop having...things.
    — Graham [2018-02-15]
    Magic: The Gathering Online on LRRMtG
  12. #4689
    Don't touch gutter-puck.
    — Kathleen [2018-02-14]
    Board Games on Let's NOPE
  13. #4688
    It's okay dear, I didn't marry you for your Crokinole skills.
    — Heather, to Beej [2018-02-14]
    Board Games on Let's NOPE
  14. #4687
    Old man dick. Old man dick. OLD MAN DICK!
    — Ben and Alex [2018-02-14]
    Remothered: Tormented Fathers on Let's NOPE
  15. #4686
    When somebody has a whole bunch of drugs, they always put it behind a door that says 'Hey, don't do these drugs!'
    — Beej [2018-02-12]
    Dungeons & Dragons on Rhythm Cafe
  16. #4685
    Dale specifically requested that we all kill ourselves at once.
    — Kathleen [2018-02-12]
    Dungeons & Dragons on Rhythm Cafe
  17. #4684
    If you want lots of information, you should lick it.
    — Dale [2018-02-12]
    Dungeons & Dragons on Rhythm Cafe
  18. #4683
    I think your face is in a fluid.
    — Dale [2018-02-12]
    Dungeons & Dragons on Rhythm Cafe
  19. #4682
    The roots got the mushrooms and then made chompy faces.
    — Graham [2018-02-12]
    Dungeons & Dragons on Rhythm Cafe
  20. #4681
    I'm not going to ask that question, because the answer is always "Yes"...
    — Beej [2018-02-12]
    Dungeons & Dragons on Rhythm Cafe
  21. #4680
    I don't wanna go into the quivering tunnel but I think that's our best bet.
    — Graham [2018-02-12]
    Dungeons & Dragons on Rhythm Cafe
  22. #4679
    Before we start your death saves, I still wanna see if I can drink your fluids.
    — Dale [2018-02-12]
    Dungeons & Dragons on Rhythm Cafe
  23. #4678
    I don't really wanna be the first one down the flesh tunnel.
    — Graham, as Snak [2018-02-12]
    Dungeons & Dragons on Rhythm Cafe
  24. #4677
    You don't like the word so I won't give you any words for that one. Because I'm a helper!
    — Dale, choosing not to describe something [2018-02-12]
    Dungeons & Dragons on Rhythm Cafe
  25. #4676
    I am an elf and I am in touch with the spirit of nature and the spirit of nature says we look delicious!
    — Kathleen, as Morra [2018-02-12]
    Dungeons & Dragons on Rhythm Cafe