LRRbot Quotes

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The stream is not currently live. Next scheduled stream: Watch + Play (There's an endless amount of bad games out there. Thankfully Graham and Alex are cool enough dudes to wade through them. It's GARBAGE DAY Y'ALL!) at Wed 02:00 PM PDT (25m from now).
Please keep in mind that many of the following quotes are taken out of context, be it for comedic effect or out of necessity. Take all of them with a grain of salt and bear in mind they don't necessarily reflect their originators' views and opinions. That being said, if you find any quote to be particularly awful, please notify the moderator of your choice to have its removal evaluated.
  1. #4649
    The dong was satisfying.
    — James [2018-02-01]
    None on Bonus Stream
  2. #4648
    Holy crap...
    — Everyone [2018-02-02]
    Doki Doki Literature Club! on Now Kiss!
  3. #4647
    Draw some different cards.
    — Beej, giving Magic advice [2018-02-01]
    Magic: The Gathering Online on LRRMtG
  4. #4646
    get your big balls outta my face
    — James [2018-02-01]
    Ben and Ed on 18 Games & Counting
  5. #4645
    Paul's dead!
    — Ben, gleefully [2018-01-31]
    Board Games Live on Watch and Play
  6. #4644
    What if my biggest fear is a one-eyed dwarf playing the bagpipes?
    — Ian [2018-01-31]
    Board Games Live on Watch and Play
  7. #4643
    Oooooh! Legs!
    — Beej [2018-01-31]
    Board Games Live on Watch and Play
  8. #4642
    If you are allergic to blood, consult a doctor.
    — Ian [2018-01-31]
    Board Games Live on Watch and Play
  9. #4641
    You're not hungover until you're cat-on-the-face hungover.
    — Paul [2018-01-31]
    Board Games Live on Watch and Play
  10. #4640
    Give 'em the bone!
    — Ben [2018-01-31]
    Board Games Live on Watch and Play
  11. #4639
    I'm not dying because of pinecones!!
    — Alex [2018-01-31]
    Games + Demos on Watch and Play
  12. #4638
    Wait, are we Noah or Jesus?
    — Graham [2018-01-31]
    Games + Demos on Watch and Play
  13. #4637
    Can you get to the subocean in Noah's arc?
    — Graham [2018-01-31]
    Games + Demos on Watch and Play
  14. #4636
    If you're a horse, you can't go to prison more than once.
    — Beej [2018-01-30]
    JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven on Matters of Import
  15. #4635
    What are the three of us doing in this shipping container? With our clothes on?
    — Cameron [2018-01-30]
    Unknown Player's Poor Schmuck Slayer on One More
  16. #4634
    That sounds like Beej: 'I'll put it in my mouth! I don't know what it is.'
    — TQ [2018-01-30]
    Unknown Player's Poor Schmuck Slayer on One More
  17. #4633
    Man, it is terrifying when I'm not driving.
    — RayFK [2018-01-30]
    Unknown Player's Poor Schmuck Slayer on One More
  18. #4632
    It's BM.
    — Dale [2018-01-29]
    Dungeons & Dragons on Rhythm Cafe
  19. #4631
    It's never moles the size of ticks, is it? It's always ticks the size of moles
    — Paul, of burrowing mole-ticks [2018-01-29]
    Dungeons & Dragons on Rhythm Cafe
  20. #4630
    Clearly our heroes think the mistake was not theirs.
    — Dale [2018-01-29]
    Dungeons & Dragons on Rhythm Cafe
  21. #4629
    Dice Friends: Starring goodish people.
    — Paul [2018-01-29]
    Talk Shows & Podcasts on Rhythm Cafe
  22. #4628
    A lot of things are very pretty when you're not actually in danger of dying from them.
    — Beej [2018-01-29]
    Talk Shows & Podcasts on Rhythm Cafe
  23. #4627
    Oh my god, When I'm glowing you can't see through my veil
    — Ian [2018-01-28]
    Taiko no Tatsujin Wii on Rhythm Cafe
  24. #4626
    Don't take my dreams of being a beautiful drum bride away from me, Heather.
    — Ian [2018-01-28]
    Taiko no Tatsujin Wii on Rhythm Cafe
  25. #4625
    Oh my god, I have to be a bride
    — Ian [2018-01-28]
    Taiko no Tatsujin Wii on Rhythm Cafe