LRRbot Quotes

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Currently playing: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl on Play it Forward [Watch live]
Please keep in mind that many of the following quotes are taken out of context, be it for comedic effect or out of necessity. Take all of them with a grain of salt and bear in mind they don't necessarily reflect their originators' views and opinions. That being said, if you find any quote to be particularly awful, please notify the moderator of your choice to have its removal evaluated.
  1. #4675
    Some people don't even get punched, if they're nice.
    — Paul [2018-02-12]
    Dungeons & Dragons on Rhythm Cafe
  2. #4674
    Even without Dale making things up, there are carnivorous trees on Chult.
    — Dale [2018-02-12]
    Dungeons & Dragons on Rhythm Cafe
  3. #4673
    Made from the bones of skins and the trees of beasts
    — Beej [2018-02-13]
    Dungeons & Dragons on Rhythm Cafe
  4. #4672
    Let's let the computer make all of our decisions!
    — Heather [2018-02-11]
    Donkey Konga 3: Tabe-houdai! Haru Mogitate 50 Kyoku on Rhythm Cafe
  5. #4671
    We have to experience the Donkey's Groove!
    — Ian [2018-02-11]
    Donkey Konga 3: Tabe-houdai! Haru Mogitate 50 Kyoku on Rhythm Cafe
  6. #4670
    Never let your relationships become externally combustible, that'll blow up in your face.
    — Ian [2018-02-10]
    Creative on Unknown
  7. #4669
    Kids are disturbing.
    — Beej [2018-02-10]
    Creative on Unknown
  8. #4668
    We're very dirty.
    — Ian [2018-02-10]
    Creative on Unknown
  9. #4667
    Things do not look good for our hero, assuming your hero is me.
    — Graham [2018-02-09]
    Magic: The Gathering on Talking Simulator
  10. #4666
    Ah, Graham remembered my face.
    — Serge [2018-02-09]
    Magic: The Gathering on Talking Simulator
  11. #4665
    I cringed myself into a charlie horse!
    — Cameron [2018-02-08]
    Life Is Strange: Before the Storm on Talking Simulator
  12. #4664
    Don't forget to like, squeet, and subscribe.
    — Dix [2018-02-07]
    None on LRRMtG
  13. #4663
    Ah, the squeet taste of victory.
    — Ian [2018-02-07]
    Board Games on LRRMtG
  14. #4662
    — Ian [2018-02-07]
    Board Games on LRRMtG
  15. #4661
    Grab the bear by the bear-lasers.
    — Cameron [2018-02-07]
    Board Games on LRRMtG
  16. #4659
    If everyone except you is having a bear problem, you are the bear problem.
    — Paul [2018-02-07]
    Board Games on LRRMtG
  17. #4658
    They have more bears than I have nukes. Now I know how the Americans felt.
    — Cameron [2018-02-07]
    Board Games on LRRMtG
  18. #4657
    I want a Beej! I would like to have a Beej.
    — Alex [2018-02-07]
    Alone in the Dark 3 on LRRMtG
  19. #4656
    the solution is more cows in jars
    — James [2018-02-07]
    Minecraft on Mine O'Clock
  20. #4655
    Next morning, you pack up a pic-i-nic skeleton.
    — Dale [2018-02-05]
    Dungeons & Dragons on LRRMtG
  21. #4654
    A funny thing happened on the way to the jungle.
    — Beej [2018-02-05]
    Dungeons & Dragons on LRRMtG
  22. #4653
    I was picturing something that Dr. Seuss would draw while high.
    — Dale [2018-02-05]
    Dungeons & Dragons on LRRMtG
  23. #4652
    They were quite nice to me right up until they framed me for arson.
    — Paul [2018-02-05]
    Dungeons & Dragons on LRRMtG
  24. #4651
    "Yes, and shrieking." "Yes, and burrowing into your flesh."
    — Paul, of Dale's DM improv technique [2018-02-05]
    Dungeons & Dragons on LRRMtG
  25. #4650
    Sounds can hurt people.
    — Ian [2018-02-04]
    Hiragana Pixel Party on Rhythm Cafe