LRRbot Quotes

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Make a rhythm game that uses a theremin.
The stream is not currently live. Next scheduled stream: Watch + Play (There's an endless amount of bad games out there. Thankfully Graham and Alex are cool enough dudes to wade through them. It's GARBAGE DAY Y'ALL!) at Wed 02:00 PM PST (9:26 from now).
Please keep in mind that many of the following quotes are taken out of context, be it for comedic effect or out of necessity. Take all of them with a grain of salt and bear in mind they don't necessarily reflect their originators' views and opinions. That being said, if you find any quote to be particularly awful, please notify the moderator of your choice to have its removal evaluated.
  1. #4564
    — Adam [2017-12-23]
    Cuphead on Adam's Gamehaüs
  2. #4563
    Phase transition my a**hole!
    — Adam [2017-12-23]
    Cuphead on Adam's Gamehaüs
  3. #4562
    Do things that make you happy.
    — Kathleen [2017-12-22]
    Ladykiller in a Bind on Now Kiss!
  4. #4561
    I need to find a butthole.
    — Cameron [2017-12-21]
    SOMA on Talking Simulator
  5. #4560
    Can you imagine backing into a cactus in VR?
    — Graham [2017-12-20]
    None on Watch and Play
  6. #4559
    We opened the box, we got a disease.
    — Cori [2017-12-20]
    Board Games on Watch and Play
  7. #4558
    I don't know if I could handle it if Adam was mad at me.
    — Cameron [2017-12-20]
    Board Games on Watch and Play
  8. #4557
    The 2 Genders: Female and Abomination
    — Graham [2017-12-20]
    Games + Demos on Watch and Play
  9. #4556
    'Ecstasy for the orb?' 'Joy to the world!'
    — Kathleen and Beej [2017-12-16]
    None on Unknown
  10. #4555
    The absence of drugs is not awesome.
    — Ian [2017-12-13]
    None on Unknown
  11. #4554
    It's okay everyone that man was retroactively naughty.
    — Cameron, With regards to Santa killing people. [2017-12-19]
    Unknown Player's Poor Schmuck Slayer on One More
  12. #4553
    Thank you, that was really thoughtful!
    — Alex, to Ben, after hearing a vomit sound effect from his gift [2017-12-16]
    Creative on Unknown
  13. #4552
    Ho ho holy shit
    — Cameron [2017-12-16]
    Creative on Unknown
  14. #4551
    They're good dogs, Booj.
    — Serge [2017-12-16]
    Creative on Unknown
  15. #4550
    I used to think LRRMTG games were real, like WWE, but it turns out they're fake, like boxing.
    — Ben [2017-12-15]
    Magic: The Gathering on Talking Simulator
  16. #4549
    Oh! Health anus.
    — Alex [2017-12-14]
    SOMA on Talking Simulator
  17. #4548
    Don't go away, more BS after this!
    — Ian [2017-12-13]
    Board Games Live on 18 Games & Counting
  18. #4547
    If the cat wants some crack, it's gonna break your window and steal your television.
    — Ian [2017-12-13]
    Board Games Live on 18 Games & Counting
  19. #4546
    Could you imagine going back in time and using a fidget spinner as a slammer?
    — Ian [2017-12-13]
    Board Games Live on 18 Games & Counting
  20. #4545
    What happens on discord must go to #politics.
    — PhoenixMelior [2017-12-13]
    None on One More
  21. #4544
    It rubs the mayo on its lamb or else it gets the hose again.
    — Matt [2017-12-13]
    None on One More
  22. #4543
    Don't trust Big Tomato! Down with Big Tomato!
    — Ben [2017-12-11]
    Creative on LRRMtG
  23. #4542
    I want you to do some knifing.
    — Kathleen, to Bengineering [2017-12-11]
    Creative on LRRMtG
  24. #4541
    Do not be fooled by Boombox Spider, it does not want to party!
    — Heather [2017-12-10]
    Games + Demos on LRRMtG
  25. #4540
    That's what they call me, Three Foot Mark.
    — Mark Rosewater [2017-12-08]
    Magic: The Gathering Online on LRRMtG