LRRbot Quotes

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The stream is not currently live. Next scheduled stream: Mine O'Clock (James, Uno, and Serge play Minecraft on their Minecraft show, of course! Game: Minecraft) at Tue 10:00 AM PST (7:37 from now).
Please keep in mind that many of the following quotes are taken out of context, be it for comedic effect or out of necessity. Take all of them with a grain of salt and bear in mind they don't necessarily reflect their originators' views and opinions. That being said, if you find any quote to be particularly awful, please notify the moderator of your choice to have its removal evaluated.
  1. #4261
    No one should wish to be me.
    — Alex [2017-06-07]
    None on Crossing the Streams
  2. #4260
    Stop hitting my crab
    — Alex [2017-06-07]
    Games + Demos on Watch and Play
  3. #4258
    My life has forever been changed by snad.
    — RebelliousUno [2017-06-07]
    Minecraft on Mine O'Clock
  4. #4257
    I'll make as much snad as I want!
    — James [2017-06-07]
    Minecraft on Mine O'Clock
  5. #4256
    Oh god that guy has a pan. Run away! Run away from pan boy!
    — James [2017-06-06]
    PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS on Bonus Stream
  6. #4255
    Nobody can make Cam wear pants.
    — James [2017-06-06]
    PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS on Bonus Stream
  7. #4254
    Probably there are two things touching somewhere.
    — Ben Soileau [2017-06-05]
    Creative on Tinker, Tailor, Solder, Fry
  8. #4252
    This is a much nicer stripper than I have
    Creative on Tinker, Tailor, Solder, Fry
  9. #4251
    So either pull harder, or cut it off, is what we're learning today.
    — Paul [2017-06-05]
    Creative on Tinker, Tailor, Solder, Fry
  10. #4250
    Why must I destroy everything I touch?
    — Paul [2017-06-04]
    RiME on New Day Tewsday
  11. #4249
    He's probably going to try and kill me because I sat in the wrong chair.
    — Cori, about James [2017-06-02]
    Risk on Bonus Stream
  12. #4248
    The fixing will continue until the complaints stop.
    — Paul [2017-06-02]
    Risk on Bonus Stream
  13. #4247
    We're playing Risk, it's about the friends you *lose* along the way!
    — Cameron [2017-06-02]
    Risk on Bonus Stream
  14. #4246
    We haven't really been killing each other super hard.
    — Cameron [2017-06-02]
    Creative on Bonus Stream
  15. #4245
    Oh man I love Edoor Yboob!
    — RayFK [2017-06-01]
    Magic: The Gathering Online on LRRMtG
  16. #4244
    Do we need to have pants?
    — Paul [2017-06-01]
    Rising Storm 2: Vietnam on 18 Games & Counting
  17. #4243
    I brought a gun to a crossbow fight!
    — Serge [2017-05-31]
    None on Crossing the Streams
  18. #4242
    Why didn't they kill me?
    — Cameron, sobbing [2017-05-31]
    None on Crossing the Streams
  19. #4241
    Someone shot me, and then stopped shooting me, and now I'm worried.
    — Cameron [2017-05-31]
    None on Crossing the Streams
  20. #4240
    Stop shooting me! Can't we just be friends?
    — Serge [2017-05-31]
    None on Crossing the Streams
  21. #4239
    The beans of dismay!
    — Cameron [2017-05-31]
    None on Crossing the Streams
  22. #4238
    Do you have some stairs that are incomplete? Try a water feature!
    — Heather [2017-05-30]
    RiME on New Day Tewsday
  23. #4237
    Always one slice away from a perfect pizza...
    — Heather [2017-05-30]
    RiME on New Day Tewsday
  24. #4236
    I just like shouting at fires.
    — Paul [2017-05-30]
    RiME on New Day Tewsday
  25. #4235
    Hi! My name is...I don't know.
    — Paul [2017-05-30]
    RiME on New Day Tewsday