LRRbot Quotes

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Don't Google anything you hear on a Jackbox stream. Especially if Beej, Alex or Ian said it.
Currently playing: Just Chatting on ChillPoint [Watch live]
Please keep in mind that many of the following quotes are taken out of context, be it for comedic effect or out of necessity. Take all of them with a grain of salt and bear in mind they don't necessarily reflect their originators' views and opinions. That being said, if you find any quote to be particularly awful, please notify the moderator of your choice to have its removal evaluated.
  1. #4171
    Let's lrrEFF 'em!
    — Ian
    Red Dragon Inn on AFK
  2. #4170
    I do better when I sing stupid songs.
    — Kathleen [2017-04-29]
    Crokinole on AFK
  3. #4169
    For a moment I actually thought I was black.
    — Ian [2017-04-29]
    Crokinole on AFK
  4. #4168
    I don't know what Graham looks like.
    — James [2017-04-27]
    None on Talking Simulator
  5. #4167
    I'm not giving her your bone, dude.
    — Cameron [2017-04-27]
    Undertale on Talking Simulator
  6. #4166
    I didn't plan for this much success!
    — Ian [2017-04-24]
    Creative on Tinker, Tailor, Solder, Fry
  7. #4165
    I don't like my friends OR their opinions!
    — Adam [2017-04-22]
    None on Adam's Gamehaüs
  8. #4164
    Is that a Bloodborne?
    — Leelee [2017-04-22]
    DARK SOULS III on Adam's Gamehaüs
  9. #4163
    I'm all about dingles!
    — Ben [2017-04-21]
    Dominion on AFK
  10. #4162
    I'm just here to make friends.
    — Serge [2017-04-21]
    Dominion on AFK
  11. #4161
    It's me, your friendly neighbourhood Moat Boy!
    — Ben [2017-04-21]
    Dominion on AFK
  12. #4160
    Friendship is best ship.
    — Ben [2017-04-21]
    Dominion on AFK
  13. #4159
    Everyone is good except Fugi!
    — Ben [2017-04-21]
    Dominion on AFK
  14. #4158
    I rarely play the butthole
    — Ben [2017-04-21]
    Board Games on The Crapshoot
  15. #4157
    It's okay, we've proven you don't need that leg
    — Graham [2017-04-19]
    Games + Demos on Watch and Play
  16. #4156
    Yeah, need to pull out faster as well.
    — RebelliousUno [2017-04-19]
    None on Bonus Stream
  17. #4155
    One day I'll have my pelvis replaced with a dual-shock
    — Ian [2017-04-16]
    Gitaroo Man on LoadingReadyLive
  18. #4154
    Helicopters don't have jet engines, do they?
    — Ben [2017-04-15]
    LoadingReadyLive on LoadingReadyLive
  19. #4153
    I don't like that we all get candy
    — Adam [2017-04-15]
    Mario Party 8 on Adam's Gamehaüs
  20. #4152
    Throw it further away.
    — Cameron [2017-04-14]
    Magic: The Gathering Amonkhet Pre-prerelease on LRRMtG
  21. #4151
    Do you talk to your mother with that mouth of lies?
    — Kathleen [2017-04-14]
    Magic: The Gathering Amonkhet Pre-prerelease on LRRMtG
  22. #4150
    Why is everything toilets forever?
    — Cameron [2017-04-14]
    Magic: The Gathering Amonkhet Pre-prerelease on LRRMtG
  23. #4149
    It feels soul crushing! ...That's blue.
    — Graham [2017-04-14]
    Magic: The Gathering Amonkhet Pre-prerelease on LRRMtG
  24. #4147
    We could do an hour-long dick show
    — James [2017-04-06]
    Magic: The Gathering Online on LRRMtG
  25. #4146
    We sent a message, and that message was a butt dial.
    — Cameron [2017-04-06]
    Magic: The Gathering Online on LRRMtG