LRRbot Quotes

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Please keep in mind that many of the following quotes are taken out of context, be it for comedic effect or out of necessity. Take all of them with a grain of salt and bear in mind they don't necessarily reflect their originators' views and opinions. That being said, if you find any quote to be particularly awful, please notify the moderator of your choice to have its removal evaluated.
  1. #3915
    I heard there would be TexMechs, and there weren't any robots, just burritos?
    — Cameron [2017-01-26]
    Life Is Strange on Talking Simulator
  2. #3914
    You are watching this, probably, on the Internet.
    — Ben [2017-01-26]
    Magic: The Gathering Online on LRRMtG
  3. #3913
    u r not butts.
    — Ben, about chat [2017-01-25]
    None on Crossing the Streams
  4. #3912
    Don't mess with Shrek and a gun.
    — Ben [2017-01-25]
    Move or Die on Crossing the Streams
  5. #3911
    I'm trying my best to be pretty!
    — Ben [2017-01-25]
    Move or Die on Crossing the Streams
  6. #3910
    No, Snorlax, give me my soul!
    — Ben [2017-01-25]
    Move or Die on Crossing the Streams
  7. #3909
    Are we filled with candy? Are we actually pinatas?
    — Paul [2017-01-25]
    Move or Die on Crossing the Streams
  8. #3908
    Didn't you know, ghosts can't jetpack. Everyone knows that.
    — Paul [2017-01-25]
    Move or Die on Crossing the Streams
  9. #3907
    I was following Heather because she was wearing a hat!
    — Paul [2017-01-25]
    Move or Die on Crossing the Streams
  10. #3906
    'Stop being my friend!' 'Heather I can never stop being your friend.'
    — Heather and Ben [2017-01-25]
    Move or Die on Crossing the Streams
  11. #3905
    I think I died but I can't tell
    — Heather [2017-01-25]
    Move or Die on Crossing the Streams
  12. #3903
    I'm not gonna get killed by a doll ass.
    — Alex [2017-01-25]
    Resident Evil 7 biohazard on Let's NOPE
  13. #3902
    Centipedes give me the centi-skeeves
    — Ben [2017-01-25]
    Resident Evil 7 biohazard on Let's NOPE
  14. #3901
    Come back here and let me bleed on you!
    — Graham [2017-01-24]
    Resident Evil 7 biohazard on New Day Tewsday
  15. #3900
    Ow! Right in the -- whatever part of me that was
    — Graham [2017-01-24]
    Resident Evil 7 biohazard on New Day Tewsday
  16. #3899
    I can't door, could you door?
    — Graham [2017-01-24]
    Resident Evil 7 biohazard on New Day Tewsday
  17. #3898
    Look, dummies! That's never not weird.
    — Graham [2017-01-24]
    Resident Evil 7 biohazard on New Day Tewsday
  18. #3897
    Always exhale.
    — Ian [2017-01-23]
    Creative on Tinker, Tailor, Solder, Fry
  19. #3896
    I'm not in charge of your mouth
    — Kathleen [2017-01-23]
    Creative on Tinker, Tailor, Solder, Fry
  20. #3895
    I'm voting for blood
    — Cori [2017-01-23]
    Creative on Tinker, Tailor, Solder, Fry
  21. #3894
    I don't have calloused fingers, I've just burned all the nerves off
    — Kathleen [2017-01-23]
    Creative on Tinker, Tailor, Solder, Fry
  22. #3893
    Garlic is flavour, garlic is life.
    — Kathleen [2017-01-23]
    Creative on CheckPoint Plus
  23. #3892
    Why do you listen to me? I give you terrible advice
    — Paul [2017-01-19]
    None on CheckPoint Plus
  24. #3891
    I'll remember you as you were: awake
    — Graham, to Kathleen [2017-01-23]
    CheckPoint Plus on CheckPoint Plus
  25. #3890
    You're going to make me look really bad, as opposed to just bad
    — Ian, to Heather [2017-01-22]
    Before the Echo on Rhythm Cafe