LRRbot Quotes

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Please keep in mind that many of the following quotes are taken out of context, be it for comedic effect or out of necessity. Take all of them with a grain of salt and bear in mind they don't necessarily reflect their originators' views and opinions. That being said, if you find any quote to be particularly awful, please notify the moderator of your choice to have its removal evaluated.
  1. #3432
    I didn't opt CRAP. James gave this to me!
    — Graham [2016-09-18]
    Magic: The Gathering Kaladesh Pre-prerelease on LRRMtG
  2. #3431
    disappointed I didn't get to see the puppet sex
    — exploringusernamegalaxy [2016-09-17]
    None on Unknown
  3. #3430
    We're all out of Beej!
    — Ian [2016-09-16]
    Star Trek: The Next Generation Interactive VCR Board Game - A Klingon Challenge on AFK
  4. #3429
    Is he flirting with me?!
    — Beej, about Captain Kavok [2016-09-16]
    Star Trek: The Next Generation Interactive VCR Board Game - A Klingon Challenge on AFK
  5. #3428
    Give 'em the Beej... Give 'em the Beej...
    — Ian [2016-09-16]
    Star Trek: The Next Generation Interactive VCR Board Game - A Klingon Challenge on AFK
  6. #3427
    I'm the black guy.
    — Graham [2016-09-16]
    Star Trek: The Next Generation Interactive VCR Board Game - A Klingon Challenge on AFK
  7. #3426
    Thank you in advance for your bits.
    — Kathleen [2016-09-16]
    Star Trek: The Next Generation Interactive VCR Board Game - A Klingon Challenge on AFK
  8. #3425
    I DARE this VCR tape to make me feel an emotion.
    — Kathleen [2016-09-16]
    Star Trek: The Next Generation Interactive VCR Board Game - A Klingon Challenge on AFK
  9. #3424
    I was 10. Whatever. Deal with it.
    — Graham [2016-09-16]
    Star Trek: The Next Generation Interactive VCR Board Game - A Klingon Challenge on AFK
  10. #3423
    Experience Beej! You must experience Beej!
    — Cameron [2016-09-15]
    Thief on Talking Simulator
  11. #3422
    His *** is in an infinite loop.
    — Beej [2016-07-20]
    None on Crossing the Streams
  12. #3421
    I didn't goatse the ground. It goatsed itself.
    — Beej [2016-07-20]
    None on Crossing the Streams
  13. #3420
    Preeeeeeeessssss... shit!
    — Ian [2016-09-14]
    Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes on Crossing the Streams
  14. #3419
    This is how you properly panic.
    — Ian [2016-09-14]
    Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes on Crossing the Streams
  15. #3418
    A deep knobbing.
    — Cameron [2016-09-14]
    Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes on Crossing the Streams
  16. #3417
    You're allowed to *** yourself AND not doubt us.
    — Ian, to Cameron [2016-09-14]
    Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes on Crossing the Streams
  17. #3416
    This guy did his writing in Microsoft Paint.
    — Ben [2016-09-14]
    The Final Station on Let's NOPE
  18. #3415
    I LIKE the tentacle monsters...
    — Ben [2016-09-14]
    The Final Station on Let's NOPE
  19. #3414
    I shoulda never used that garlic Vaporub on my eyes.
    — Alex [2016-09-14]
    The Final Station on Let's NOPE
  20. #3413
    Turn that man into pants!
    — Ben [2016-09-14]
    The Final Station on Let's NOPE
  21. #3412
    — Alex [2016-09-14]
    The Final Station on Let's NOPE
  22. #3411
    I watched a man turn into pants!
    — Ben [2016-09-14]
    The Final Station on Let's NOPE
  23. #3410
    Don't talk to me or my gun ever again.
    — Ben [2016-09-14]
    The Final Station on Crossing the Streams
  24. #3409
    Yo mama's so fat... her vibrator run on three-phase.
    — Alex [2016-09-14]
    The Final Station on Crossing the Streams
  25. #3408
    Secret toilet...
    — Ben [2016-09-14]
    The Final Station on Crossing the Streams