LRRbot Quotes

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Please keep in mind that many of the following quotes are taken out of context, be it for comedic effect or out of necessity. Take all of them with a grain of salt and bear in mind they don't necessarily reflect their originators' views and opinions. That being said, if you find any quote to be particularly awful, please notify the moderator of your choice to have its removal evaluated.
  1. #3332
    I don't know how to open doors.
    — Ian [2016-08-29]
    Armored Core: Master of Arena (Sailor Moon mod) on Matters of Import
  2. #3331
    This is not the anime I signed up for.
    — Heather [2016-08-29]
    Armored Core: Master of Arena (Sailor Moon mod) on Matters of Import
  3. #3330
    I have to get rid of Nagilum.
    — Beej [2016-08-29]
    Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon: Another Story on Matters of Import
  4. #3329
    Are you a phone? You're not a phone!
    — Heather [2016-08-29]
    Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon: Another Story on Matters of Import
  5. #3328
    Get inside me!
    — Beej [2016-08-29]
    Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon: Another Story on Matters of Import
  6. #3327
    12-year-olds don't keep their porn under their bed. They keep it outside the house for plausible deniability.
    — Beej [2016-08-29]
    Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon: Another Story on Matters of Import
  7. #3326
    When we play each other, the game's not as hard!
    — Beej [2016-08-29]
    Sailor Moon SuperS: Floating Panic on Matters of Import
  8. #3325
    I like balloons! They're like an airbag!
    — Ian [2016-08-29]
    Sailor Moon SuperS: Floating Panic on Matters of Import
  9. #3324
    I'll fart Monopoly cards.
    — Beej [2016-08-29]
    Sailor Moon SuperS: Floating Panic on Matters of Import
  10. #3323
    Being a Nazi doesn't make you cool!
    — Ian [2016-08-29]
    Sailor Moon SuperS: Floating Panic on Matters of Import
  11. #3322
    You can't touch my Waldo.
    — Ian [2016-08-29]
    Sailor Moon SuperS: Floating Panic on Matters of Import
  12. #3321
    I'm the most masculine thing in this show.
    — Ian [2016-08-29]
    Sailor Moon SuperS: Floating Panic on Matters of Import
  13. #3320
    Taste my rubbery justice!
    — Ian [2016-08-29]
    Sailor Moon SuperS: Floating Panic on Matters of Import
  14. #3319
    OK, folks. I'm blacking her out.
    — Ian [2016-08-29]
    Sailor Moon SuperS: Floating Panic on Matters of Import
  15. #3318
    You don't do much healing in your uterus.
    — Ian [2016-08-29]
    Sailor Moon SuperS: Floating Panic on Matters of Import
  16. #3317
    It finishes on us getting to see their butt-crack.
    — Beej [2016-08-29]
    Sailor Moon SuperS: Floating Panic on Matters of Import
  17. #3316
    Who put Sailor Jupiter in a cooler?
    — Ian [2016-08-29]
    Sailor Moon SuperS: Floating Panic on Matters of Import
  18. #3315
    Why is this two-day-old pick-up artist following us?
    — Ian [2016-08-28]
    Tadpole Treble on Rhythm Cafe
  19. #3314
    Did you say 'Fred detected'?
    — Heather [2016-08-28]
    Tadpole Treble on Rhythm Cafe
  20. #3313
    My dog's cooking itself.
    — Graham [2016-08-26]
    Magic: The Gathering on AFK
  21. #3312
    My body likes sugar.
    — Graham [2016-08-26]
    Magic: The Gathering on AFK
  22. #3311
    What's in the hold? Murder!
    — Nelson [2016-08-26]
    Magic: The Gathering on AFK
  23. #3310
    What am I doing in real life?
    — Serge [2016-08-26]
    Magic: The Gathering on AFK
  24. #3309
    He's not going to have a face, is he?
    — Cameron [2016-08-25]
    Oxenfree on Talking Simulator
  25. #3308
    He's such an amazingly-written piece of shit.
    — Alex [2016-08-25]
    Oxenfree on Talking Simulator