LRRbot Quotes

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Don't look in any baguettes.
Currently playing: Board Games on AFK [Watch live]
Please keep in mind that many of the following quotes are taken out of context, be it for comedic effect or out of necessity. Take all of them with a grain of salt and bear in mind they don't necessarily reflect their originators' views and opinions. That being said, if you find any quote to be particularly awful, please notify the moderator of your choice to have its removal evaluated.
  1. #3206
    I couldn't swallow it! At university, I never learned how to glug! I NEVER LEARNED HOW TO GLUG!
    — Beej [2016-08-12]
    Terra Mystica on AFK
  2. #3205
    I need dudes, Heather...
    — Ian [2016-08-12]
    Terra Mystica on AFK
  3. #3204
    Most things conduct if you try hard enough.
    — Ian [2016-08-12]
    Terra Mystica on AFK
  4. #3203
    I don't know where your face has been.
    — Heather, referring to Beej [2016-08-12]
    Terra Mystica on AFK
  5. #3202
    Boy, I wish I could buy more things with money.
    — Ian [2016-08-12]
    Terra Mystica on AFK
  6. #3201
    Two people turn into a bridge.
    — Ian [2016-08-12]
    Terra Mystica on AFK
  7. #3200
    This game isn't about being happy. This game is about being irritated until the second-to-last turn.
    — Beej [2016-08-12]
    Terra Mystica on AFK
  8. #3199
    Gorillas are people. We should treat them as such.
    — Ian [2016-08-12]
    Terra Mystica on AFK
  9. #3198
    You witches breed like rats!
    — Ian [2016-08-12]
    Terra Mystica on AFK
  10. #3197
    I intend to screw this up... not on purpose.
    — Beej [2016-08-12]
    Terra Mystica on AFK
  11. #3196
    Red-town: You never want that.
    — Ian [2016-08-12]
    Terra Mystica on AFK
  12. #3195
    How the lrrEFF are they staying erect?
    — Alex [2016-08-11]
    BioShock Infinite on Talking Simulator
  13. #3194
    There have always been black people.
    — Cameron [2016-08-11]
    BioShock Infinite on Talking Simulator
  14. #3193
    God, I'm beautiful!
    — Cameron [2016-08-11]
    BioShock Infinite on Talking Simulator
  15. #3192
    I believe me, too.
    — Cameron [2016-08-11]
    Magic: The Gathering on New Day Tewsday
  16. #3191
    I'm going to have to start throwing more people in the garbage, I guess.
    — Beej [2016-08-10]
    Overcooked! on Crossing the Streams
  17. #3190
    Beej! Stop being useful!
    — Heather [2016-08-10]
    Overcooked! on Crossing the Streams
  18. #3189
    Don't lrrEFF it! Don't lrrEFF it! CHECK before you lrrEFF it!
    — Paul [2016-08-10]
    Overcooked! on Crossing the Streams
  19. #3188
    What if I gave your cat a syringe?
    — Ian [2016-08-10]
    Overcooked! on Crossing the Streams
  20. #3187
    What lrrEFF ing quadrant is 'middle right'?!
    — Ian [2016-08-10]
    Overcooked! on Crossing the Streams
  21. #3186
    We don't need more meat! We have meat everywhere! Everything is covered in meat!
    — Paul [2016-08-10]
    Overcooked! on Crossing the Streams
  22. #3185
    Oh God! I keep grabbing meat!
    — Ian [2016-08-10]
    Overcooked! on Crossing the Streams
  23. #3184
    The meat's movin' again! Bye meat!
    — Paul [2016-08-10]
    Overcooked! on Crossing the Streams
  24. #3183
    Gimme meat!
    — Heather [2016-08-10]
    Overcooked! on Crossing the Streams
  25. #3182
    I found the mushrooms! They're under the clock!
    — Heather [2016-08-10]
    Overcooked! on Crossing the Streams