LRRbot Quotes

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Please keep in mind that many of the following quotes are taken out of context, be it for comedic effect or out of necessity. Take all of them with a grain of salt and bear in mind they don't necessarily reflect their originators' views and opinions. That being said, if you find any quote to be particularly awful, please notify the moderator of your choice to have its removal evaluated.
  1. #3504
    What the lrrEFF does this head do?
    — Alex [2016-10-12]
    Gonner on Let's NOPE
  2. #3503
    Oxygen makes you fat!
    — Ian [2016-10-10]
    K-On! After School Live! on Matters of Import
  3. #3502
    She doesn't strum if I don't push her buttons.
    — Ian [2016-10-10]
    K-On! After School Live! on Matters of Import
  4. #3501
    There's a lot of boobs on this other thing.
    — Beej [2016-10-10]
    K-On! After School Live! on Matters of Import
  5. #3500
    I was too short. Now I am normal-sized.
    — Ian [2016-10-10]
    K-On! After School Live! on Matters of Import
  6. #3499
    Oh shit! The lrrHAM is here!
    — Kate [2016-10-07]
    HeroQuest on AFK
  7. #3498
    I almost got into a fistfight during my first game of Diplomacy.
    — Cameron [2016-10-07]
    HeroQuest on AFK
  8. #3497
    Adult Diapers! I've got a butt-load!
    — Ian [2016-10-07]
    HeroQuest on AFK
  9. #3496
    I can defend this with an arrow in my ass!
    — Beej, in Sean Connery accent [2016-10-07]
    HeroQuest on AFK
  10. #3495
    There's a lot of me near the floor.
    — Beej [2016-10-07]
    HeroQuest on AFK
  11. #3494
    Robin Williams got SWOLE!
    — Ian [2016-10-07]
    HeroQuest on AFK
  12. #3493
    ZomBODY once told me...
    — Beej [2016-10-07]
    HeroQuest on AFK
  13. #3492
    Nothing falls on you or in you.
    — Paul [2016-10-07]
    HeroQuest on AFK
  14. #3491
    Iran is psychic!
    — MadWaltz [2016-10-07]
    HeroQuest on AFK
  15. #3490
    I will attack the top of this dwarf.
    — Paul [2016-10-07]
    HeroQuest on AFK
  16. #3489
    Zombies are just wet mummies?
    — Ian [2016-10-07]
    HeroQuest on AFK
  17. #3488
    I'm going to invade your personal space.
    — Graham, to Paul [2016-10-07]
    HeroQuest on AFK
  18. #3487
    Stop body-shaming your goblins!
    — Ian, to Beej [2016-10-07]
    HeroQuest on AFK
  19. #3486
    Let me back dat *** up.
    — Beej [2016-10-07]
    HeroQuest on AFK
  20. #3485
    I am more than happy to aggro whoever you like.
    — Beej [2016-10-07]
    HeroQuest on AFK
  21. #3484
    FINE! I love the lrrEFF ing dog. Are you happy?
    — Cameron [2016-10-06]
    Firewatch on Talking Simulator
  22. #3483
    I enjoy watching fire.
    — Cameron [2016-10-06]
    Firewatch on Talking Simulator
  23. #3482
    What do the things you say even mean?
    — Cori, to Adam [2016-09-28]
    None on Unknown
  24. #3481
    I often end up taking my coffee into the shower.
    — Ian [2016-10-05]
    Jalopy on Crossing the Streams
  25. #3480
    You can't even wash her!
    — Ian [2016-10-05]
    Jalopy on Crossing the Streams