LRRbot Quotes

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The stream is not currently live. Next scheduled stream: Play it Forward (Alex heads into The Zone on Play it Forward. Game: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl) at Wed 10:00 AM PDT (57m from now).
Please keep in mind that many of the following quotes are taken out of context, be it for comedic effect or out of necessity. Take all of them with a grain of salt and bear in mind they don't necessarily reflect their originators' views and opinions. That being said, if you find any quote to be particularly awful, please notify the moderator of your choice to have its removal evaluated.
  1. #3250
    It's normal that I'm talking to my videogame axe.
    — Beej [2016-08-17]
    Don't Starve Together on Crossing the Streams
  2. #3249
    Have my STUPID axe.
    — Beej, to Alex [2016-08-17]
    Don't Starve Together on Crossing the Streams
  3. #3248
    I broke my lrrEFF Beej!
    — Alex [2016-08-17]
    Don't Starve Together on Crossing the Streams
  4. #3247
    I am going to come in handy for myself.
    — Beej [2016-08-17]
    Don't Starve Together on Crossing the Streams
  5. #3246
    Please don't turn into a were-shit...
    — Alex [2016-08-17]
    Don't Starve Together on Crossing the Streams
  6. #3245
    I'm a shit-dog...
    — Beej [2016-08-17]
    Don't Starve Together on Crossing the Streams
  7. #3244
    That's an ass! That's a land ass!
    — Alex [2016-08-17]
    Don't Starve Together on Crossing the Streams
  8. #3243
    Why is the red mushroom sleeping?
    — Alex [2016-08-17]
    Don't Starve Together on Crossing the Streams
  9. #3242
    Wow, that guy got really angry that I took his toilet brick. I bet he worked really hard on it...
    — Alex [2016-08-17]
    We Happy Few on Let's NOPE
  10. #3241
    *cries* I have no self-control...
    — Alex [2016-08-17]
    We Happy Few on Let's NOPE
  11. #3240
    I want a shrubbery hat.
    — Alex [2016-08-17]
    We Happy Few on Let's NOPE
  12. #3239
    You don't need to be so lrrEFF ing hostile! I'm just being sick on your doorstep!
    — Alex [2016-08-17]
    We Happy Few on Let's NOPE
  13. #3238
    Permadeath? Do I WANT that?
    — Alex [2016-08-17]
    We Happy Few on Let's NOPE
  14. #3237
    You are full humped.
    — Ian, to Beej [2016-08-15]
    Cho Aniki: Seinaru Protein Densetsu on Matters of Import
  15. #3236
    I can only stay up there for so long.
    — Beej [2016-08-15]
    Cho Aniki: Seinaru Protein Densetsu on Matters of Import
  16. #3235
    Touch everything.
    — Ian [2016-08-15]
    Cho Aniki: Seinaru Protein Densetsu on Matters of Import
  17. #3234
    Some sort of butt plasma...
    — Beej [2016-08-15]
    Cho Aniki: Seinaru Protein Densetsu on Matters of Import
  18. #3233
    Games like this are why I only drink pure grain alcohol.
    — Ian [2016-08-15]
    Cho Aniki: Seinaru Protein Densetsu on Matters of Import
  19. #3232
    Massive amounts of ejaculate is manly.
    — Ian [2016-08-15]
    Cho Aniki: Seinaru Protein Densetsu on Matters of Import
  20. #3231
    I've never been so happy to cover people in...
    — Ian [2016-08-15]
    Cho Aniki: Seinaru Protein Densetsu on Matters of Import
  21. #3230
    Nothing more comes out...
    — Ian [2016-08-15]
    Cho Aniki: Seinaru Protein Densetsu on Matters of Import
  22. #3229
    Now I can get two guys in there.
    — Ian [2016-08-15]
    Cho Aniki: Seinaru Protein Densetsu on Matters of Import
  23. #3228
    Why aren't you cheating?! Do cheats!
    — Ian, to Beej [2016-08-15]
    Cho Aniki: Seinaru Protein Densetsu on Matters of Import
  24. #3227
    I'm glad there's two of us playing this... No I'm not! I'm not happy about that at all!
    — Beej [2016-08-15]
    Cho Aniki: Seinaru Protein Densetsu on Matters of Import
  25. #3226
    We're now in woman territory...
    — Ian [2016-08-15]
    Cho Aniki: Seinaru Protein Densetsu on Matters of Import