LRRbot Quotes

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The nail gun has unlimited nails.
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Please keep in mind that many of the following quotes are taken out of context, be it for comedic effect or out of necessity. Take all of them with a grain of salt and bear in mind they don't necessarily reflect their originators' views and opinions. That being said, if you find any quote to be particularly awful, please notify the moderator of your choice to have its removal evaluated.
  1. #3071
    Why did the prisoner have ammo?
    — Cameron [2016-07-28]
    BioShock Infinite on Talking Simulator
  2. #3070
    Why don't I have a four-story-tall solid gold statue of myself?
    — Cameron [2016-07-28]
    BioShock Infinite on Talking Simulator
  3. #3069
    Who threw away a perfectly good machine gun? There was a machine gun in the trash can!
    — Cameron [2016-07-28]
    BioShock Infinite on Talking Simulator
  4. #3068
    Who filed away a hot dog? How did we find it that quickly?
    — Cameron [2016-07-28]
    BioShock Infinite on Talking Simulator
  5. #3067
    I've seen kung fu movies with better endings than that.
    — Alex [2016-07-27]
    GentleMoon 2 on Watch and Play
  6. #3066
    I wish Cam was here so that he could cringe inside-out.
    — Alex [2016-07-27]
    GentleMoon 2 on Watch and Play
  7. #3065
    I see some vibrations on the horizon.
    — Alex [2016-07-27]
    Crimelife 2 on Watch and Play
  8. #3064
    I can't fist!
    — Alex [2016-07-27]
    Crimelife 2 on Watch and Play
  9. #3063
    Let's go to FuckBurger.
    — Alex [2016-07-27]
    Crimelife 2 on Watch and Play
  10. #3062
    Your guy's more of a 'Shoot from the dick' kind of guy.
    — Graham [2016-07-27]
    Crimelife 2 on Watch and Play
  11. #3061
    We ran out of town...
    — Alex [2016-07-27]
    Crimelife 2 on Watch and Play
  12. #3060
    I love that your face gets thinner when you take your shirt off.
    — Graham [2016-07-27]
    Crimelife 2 on Watch and Play
  13. #3059
    Hi, God...
    — Alex [2016-07-27]
    The Rebel on Watch and Play
  14. #3058
    Poop just can't catch up to the Segway.
    — Graham [2016-07-27]
    Muddy Heights 2 on Watch and Play
  15. #3057
    You know what the beach needs? SHIT!
    — Alex [2016-07-27]
    Muddy Heights 2 on Watch and Play
  16. #3056
    Why does the poo make a fart noise when it moves?
    — Alex [2016-07-27]
    Muddy Heights 2 on Watch and Play
  17. #3055
    Chat brings it on themselves. They can leave whenever they want.
    — Heather [2016-07-25]
    Creative on Tinker, Tailor, Solder, Fry
  18. #3054
    Sony has an Etsy page now?
    — Cori [2016-07-25]
    Creative on Tinker, Tailor, Solder, Fry
  19. #3053
    I'm a big fan of a good knob feel.
    — Ian [2016-07-25]
    Creative on Tinker, Tailor, Solder, Fry
  20. #3052
    Oh, that's really easy actually. No, it's not.
    — Ian [2016-07-25]
    Creative on Tinker, Tailor, Solder, Fry
  21. #3051
    First thing I do when I get up in the morning is have a nice flesh wash.
    — Ian [2016-07-25]
    Creative on Tinker, Tailor, Solder, Fry
  22. #3050
    I wasn't using those nerve endings anyway.
    — Ian [2016-07-25]
    Creative on Tinker, Tailor, Solder, Fry
  23. #3049
    The brain really is a terrible place to keep things you want to remember.
    — Ian [2016-07-25]
    Creative on Tinker, Tailor, Solder, Fry
  24. #3048
    I have SARS now.
    — Ian [2016-07-25]
    Creative on Tinker, Tailor, Solder, Fry
  25. #3047
    The last words I'm going to hear in my life are going to be Ian saying 'boop!'
    — Cameron [2016-07-25]
    Creative on Tinker, Tailor, Solder, Fry