LRRbot Quotes

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Please keep in mind that many of the following quotes are taken out of context, be it for comedic effect or out of necessity. Take all of them with a grain of salt and bear in mind they don't necessarily reflect their originators' views and opinions. That being said, if you find any quote to be particularly awful, please notify the moderator of your choice to have its removal evaluated.
  1. #2596
    Gundam need some Dark Souls stuff.
    — Beej [2016-05-23]
    Mobile Suit Gundam: Federation vs. Zeon on Matters of Import
  2. #2595
    Basically, there's no "basically."
    — Graham [2016-05-23]
    CheckPoint Plus on CheckPoint Plus
  3. #2594
    Grandmother with a sewing machine. I can conquer the world!
    — Maggie Graham-Bell [2016-05-23]
    CheckPoint Plus on CheckPoint Plus
  4. #2593
    The stupid faces are inside all of us.
    — Graham [2016-05-23]
    CheckPoint Plus on CheckPoint Plus
  5. #2592
    I want to make sure I get in there because I don't want to throw away my shot and I'm just like my country: old, riddled with disease and mostly unexplored.
    — Ian [2016-05-20]
    None on Unknown
  6. #2591
    The wizard has nothing to spend money on. I bought a STICK!
    — Cameron [2016-05-20]
    HeroQuest on AFK
  7. #2590
    This is called the 'Surround and Pound' Method.
    — Paul [2016-05-20]
    HeroQuest on AFK
  8. #2589
    We still need shins, Beej. Everyone needs shins.
    — Ian [2016-05-20]
    HeroQuest on AFK
  9. #2588
    Look! Stab find *** coins!
    — Graham [2016-05-20]
    HeroQuest on AFK
  10. #2587
    I have a sticky die.
    — Ian [2016-05-20]
    HeroQuest on AFK
  11. #2586
    Your generic name is Beard-Axe AxeBeard.
    — Cameron [2016-05-20]
    HeroQuest on AFK
  12. #2585
    It's like you walked in on your parents naked or something!
    — Graham, to Beej [2016-05-20]
    HeroQuest on AFK
  13. #2584
    I like my taint where it is! It's dividing two very important things! It's my large hard-on collider!
    — Beej [2016-05-20]
    HeroQuest on AFK
  14. #2583
    — Beej [2016-05-20]
    HeroQuest on AFK
  15. #2582
    You successfully disable it, in the sense that it is no longer enabled... because it is in your taint.
    — Paul, to Beej [2016-05-20]
    HeroQuest on AFK
  16. #2581
    No adi_pie no!
    — Graham [2016-05-20]
    HeroQuest on AFK
  17. #2580
    I am retiring champion with my toe ruby.
    — Ian [2016-05-20]
    HeroQuest on AFK
  18. #2579
    That's racist... I THINK?
    — Graham, regarding wandering monsters not getting hit by traps [2016-05-20]
    HeroQuest on AFK
  19. #2578
    We have six books for you to read.
    — Beej [2016-05-20]
    HeroQuest on New Day Tewsday
  20. #2577
    I like the ones where Beej takes off his shirt!
    — eatenbyagrue1988 [2016-05-20]
    None on Unknown
  21. #2576
    Do you ever roll your eyes so hard, you hear your skull crack?
    — Cameron [2016-05-19]
    Dark Souls on Talking Simulator
  22. #2575
    You're a *** that won't flush.
    — Alex [2016-05-19]
    Dark Souls on Talking Simulator
  23. #2574
    Let me think about what I'm trying to say here before I open my goddamned mouth!
    — Cameron [2016-05-19]
    Dark Souls on Talking Simulator
  24. #2573
    Ew... your shields touched.
    — Cameron [2016-05-19]
    Dark Souls on Talking Simulator
  25. #2572
    I am going to put some pants on.
    — Alex [2016-05-19]
    Dark Souls on Talking Simulator