LRRbot Quotes

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Please keep in mind that many of the following quotes are taken out of context, be it for comedic effect or out of necessity. Take all of them with a grain of salt and bear in mind they don't necessarily reflect their originators' views and opinions. That being said, if you find any quote to be particularly awful, please notify the moderator of your choice to have its removal evaluated.
  1. #2466
    I don't want to ACTUALLY be a vampire... because they don't exist.
    — Kathleen [2016-05-09]
    CheckPoint Plus on CheckPoint Plus
  2. #2465
    I accept your better-manhood.
    — Cameron [2016-05-07]
    Overwatch on Video Games with Video James
  3. #2464
    You just wave shotguns at people and they explode!
    — Cameron [2016-05-07]
    Overwatch on Video Games with Video James
  4. #2463
    Eat my ass.
    — Graham [2016-05-07]
    DARK SOULS III on Adam's GamehaĆ¼s
  5. #2462
    I won't punch the air. That seems dangerous.
    — Alex [2016-05-06]
    Demon's Souls on Let's NOPE
  6. #2461
    Don't kill the air, please. Do not kill the air.
    — Graham, singing [2016-05-05]
    Magic: The Gathering Online on LRRMtG
  7. #2460
    And then it just LIVES... and that's all that happens.
    — Graham [2016-05-05]
    Magic: The Gathering Online on LRRMtG
  8. #2459
    I like the lrrHAM going! Let's lrrHAM go, everybody! Let's go to lrrHAM -ville!
    — Graham [2016-05-05]
    Magic: The Gathering Online on LRRMtG
  9. #2458
    — Graham [2016-05-05]
    Magic: The Gathering Online on LRRMtG
  10. #2457
    It's got the mens.
    — James [2016-05-05]
    Magic: The Gathering Online on LRRMtG
  11. #2456
    Our decklist is a surprise... because it's terrible.
    — Graham [2016-05-05]
    Magic: The Gathering Online on LRRMtG
  12. #2455
    Never give a ghost morphine.
    — Paul [2016-05-04]
    Scribblenauts Unlimited on GPLP
  13. #2454
    Oh yeah... you have a blue whale in your backpack.
    — Paul [2016-05-04]
    Scribblenauts Unlimited on GPLP
  14. #2453
    It's fightin' cheese!
    — Paul [2016-05-04]
    Scribblenauts Unlimited on GPLP
  15. #2452
    He just saw morphine on the ground and he ate it.
    — Paul [2016-05-04]
    Scribblenauts Unlimited on GPLP
  16. #2451
    I can't THROW a moose.
    — Graham [2016-05-04]
    Scribblenauts Unlimited on GPLP
  17. #2450
    Buttery fire alarm...
    — Graham [2016-05-04]
    Scribblenauts Unlimited on GPLP
  18. #2449
    'You just deleted God?' I didn't delete Him. I threw Him in the garbage can.
    — Graham [2016-05-04]
    Scribblenauts Unlimited on GPLP
  19. #2448
    Brushing your teeth doesn't solve a toothache.
    — Paul [2016-05-04]
    Scribblenauts Unlimited on GPLP
  20. #2447
    I am French!
    — Ian [2016-05-03]
    Katamari Damacy on I, Horner
  21. #2446
    Sushi's not making me swole?
    — Ian [2016-05-03]
    Katamari Damacy on I, Horner
  22. #2445
    Katamari: Why Would You Put...?
    — Cori [2016-05-03]
    Katamari Damacy on I, Horner
  23. #2444
    Child get! I have a child!
    — Ian [2016-05-03]
    Katamari Damacy on I, Horner
  24. #2443
    Everything get!
    — Ian [2016-05-03]
    Katamari Damacy on I, Horner
  25. #2442
    I don't want to think of Tom Cruise pulling out of anything!
    — Ian [2016-05-03]
    Katamari Damacy on I, Horner