LRRbot Quotes

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Please keep in mind that many of the following quotes are taken out of context, be it for comedic effect or out of necessity. Take all of them with a grain of salt and bear in mind they don't necessarily reflect their originators' views and opinions. That being said, if you find any quote to be particularly awful, please notify the moderator of your choice to have its removal evaluated.
  1. #2448
    Brushing your teeth doesn't solve a toothache.
    — Paul [2016-05-04]
    Scribblenauts Unlimited on GPLP
  2. #2447
    I am French!
    — Ian [2016-05-03]
    Katamari Damacy on I, Horner
  3. #2446
    Sushi's not making me swole?
    — Ian [2016-05-03]
    Katamari Damacy on I, Horner
  4. #2445
    Katamari: Why Would You Put...?
    — Cori [2016-05-03]
    Katamari Damacy on I, Horner
  5. #2444
    Child get! I have a child!
    — Ian [2016-05-03]
    Katamari Damacy on I, Horner
  6. #2443
    Everything get!
    — Ian [2016-05-03]
    Katamari Damacy on I, Horner
  7. #2442
    I don't want to think of Tom Cruise pulling out of anything!
    — Ian [2016-05-03]
    Katamari Damacy on I, Horner
  8. #2441
    We need more cancer in our balls!
    — Ian [2016-05-03]
    Katamari Damacy on I, Horner
  9. #2440
    We'll get milk and underwear.
    — Ian [2016-05-03]
    Katamari Damacy on I, Horner
  10. #2439
    Underwear is too big.
    — Cori [2016-05-03]
    Katamari Damacy on I, Horner
  11. #2438
    Yes! I'm full of birds! My dream has come true, Cori! I'm covered in sparrows!
    — Ian [2016-05-03]
    Katamari Damacy on I, Horner
  12. #2437
    Cori, I don't think you should ever feel the cosmos.
    — Ian [2016-05-03]
    Katamari Damacy on I, Horner
  13. #2436
    There we go! Crab laundry!
    — Ian [2016-05-03]
    Katamari Damacy on I, Horner
  14. #2434
    No! Gimme the balls!
    — Ian [2016-05-03]
    Katamari Damacy on I, Horner
  15. #2433
    Cori has decided she's going to be super hot.
    — Ian [2016-05-03]
    Superhot on I, Horner
  16. #2432
    Bullets are made of metal!
    — Cori [2016-05-03]
    Superhot on I, Horner
  17. #2431
    I think you've got to reload your bat.
    — Cori [2016-05-03]
    Superhot on I, Horner
  18. #2430
    I will crab the gun.
    — Ian [2016-05-03]
    Superhot on I, Horner
  19. #2429
    Wait, Matt is an airplane?
    — Ian [2016-05-03]
    Superhot on I, Horner
  20. #2428
    Watch Ian play
    — Ian [2016-05-03]
    Superhot on I, Horner
  21. #2427
    You're the only one who understand me, Dad Cube.
    — Paul [2016-05-02]
    Tron 2.0 on Things on My Stream
  22. #2426
    This is awesome! But also painful...
    — Paul [2016-05-02]
    Tron 2.0 on Things on My Stream
  23. #2425
    Aw man! Even my overlay has spam!
    — Paul [2016-05-02]
    Tron 2.0 on Things on My Stream
  24. #2424
    Noooo touch... I think that's what we've learned right now.
    — Paul [2016-05-02]
    Tron 2.0 on Things on My Stream
  25. #2423
    My hair does not look like a yarmulke!
    — Graham [2016-05-02]
    CheckPoint Plus on CheckPoint Plus