LRRbot Quotes

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The stream is not currently live. Next scheduled stream: Play it Forward (Alex heads into The Zone on Play it Forward. Game: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl) at Mon 10:00 AM PDT (2:23 from now).
Please keep in mind that many of the following quotes are taken out of context, be it for comedic effect or out of necessity. Take all of them with a grain of salt and bear in mind they don't necessarily reflect their originators' views and opinions. That being said, if you find any quote to be particularly awful, please notify the moderator of your choice to have its removal evaluated.
  1. #2688
    Fuck! No wait, that's good!
    — Beej [2016-06-01]
    Mario Party 8 on Crossing the Streams
  2. #2687
    We agreed: No Limp Bizkit!
    — Cameron [2016-06-01]
    Mario Party 8 on Crossing the Streams
  3. #2686
    Beej, you're the reason we have a proportional tax code.
    — Ian [2016-06-01]
    Mario Party 8 on Crossing the Streams
  4. #2685
    Goddamn Millennials... Everyone gets a star?
    — Cameron [2016-06-01]
    Mario Party 8 on Crossing the Streams
  5. #2684
    I don't think you should eat candy you fished out of the river. That seems like a bad idea.
    — Heather [2016-06-01]
    Mario Party 8 on Crossing the Streams
  6. #2683
    I'm a princess.
    — Ian [2016-06-01]
    Mario Party 8 on Crossing the Streams
  7. #2682
    Boo's turn? That's me!
    — Cameron, repeatedly [2016-06-01]
    Mario Party 8 on Crossing the Streams
  8. #2681
    I'm supposed to be dead... This is supposed to END suffering.
    — Cameron [2016-06-01]
    Mario Party 8 on Crossing the Streams
  9. #2680
    Ride the Dolphin Shut.
    — Cameron [2016-06-01]
    Mario Party 8 on Crossing the Streams
  10. #2679
    Ian, you had hair at the time.
    — Beej [2016-06-01]
    Mario Party 8 on Crossing the Streams
  11. #2678
    I'm not sure I want to be a part of this sandwich.
    — Heather [2016-06-01]
    Mario Party 8 on Crossing the Streams
  12. #2677
    But this game looks good... *beat* better...
    — Graham [2016-06-01]
    Pesadelo - Regressão on Watch and Play
  13. #2676
    Do you have the condiments? Yes. We have salt. and pepper. and hammer.
    — Alex [2016-06-01]
    Bubonic: Outbreak on Watch and Play
  14. #2675
    I don't HAVE a Gerald... that I'm aware of.
    — Graham [2016-06-01]
    Bubonic: Outbreak on Watch and Play
  15. #2674
    I don't WANT a Gerald.
    — Graham [2016-06-01]
    Bubonic: Outbreak on Watch and Play
  16. #2673
    Press F to toggle respects.
    — Graham [2016-06-01]
    Bubonic: Outbreak on Watch and Play
  17. #2672
    Trigger Warning: This Game
    — Alex [2016-06-01]
    Inside: Before Birth on Watch and Play
  18. #2671
    PLEASE... PLEASE eat the WIDEST part of my ass...
    — Graham [2016-06-01]
    Inside: Before Birth on Watch and Play
  19. #2670
    In the Watch and Play industry, this is what we call 'toilets.'
    — Graham [2016-06-01]
    Inside: Before Birth on Watch and Play
  20. #2669
    Man, my brain has really low-fi.
    — Alex [2016-06-01]
    Inside: Before Birth on Watch and Play
  21. #2668
    I want to see what the next post on Hellstagram is.
    — Alex [2016-06-01]
    Inside: Before Birth on Watch and Play
  22. #2667
    This is, strictly speaking, like Dark Souls.
    — Alex [2016-06-01]
    Inside: Before Birth on Watch and Play
  23. #2666
    Yeah, you bounced off not-Mars.
    — Graham [2016-06-01]
    Norman's Sky on Watch and Play
  24. #2665
    Ever forward. Never learning.
    — Alex [2016-06-01]
    Norman's Sky on Watch and Play
  25. #2664
    Did we go THROUGH a planet?
    — Alex [2016-06-01]
    Norman's Sky on Watch and Play