LRRbot Quotes

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Please keep in mind that many of the following quotes are taken out of context, be it for comedic effect or out of necessity. Take all of them with a grain of salt and bear in mind they don't necessarily reflect their originators' views and opinions. That being said, if you find any quote to be particularly awful, please notify the moderator of your choice to have its removal evaluated.
  1. #2563
    I have a box!
    — Ian [2016-05-18]
    Gang Beasts on Crossing the Streams
  2. #2562
    When you get to hell, tell them I sent you, there's a group discount!
    — Cam [2016-05-18]
    Gang Beasts on Crossing the Streams
  3. #2561
    Go on, Serge! Just yank me off!
    — Alex [2016-05-18]
    Gang Beasts on Crossing the Streams
  4. #2560
    I don't know how to punch people. All I know how to do is climb.
    — Serge [2016-05-18]
    Gang Beasts on Crossing the Streams
  5. #2559
    We're doing this in the nude.
    — Cameron [2016-05-18]
    Gang Beasts on Crossing the Streams
  6. #2558
    Fight with the meat!
    — Graham [2016-05-18]
    Gang Beasts on Crossing the Streams
  7. #2557
    I've grabbed ahold of my own ear.
    — Cameron [2016-05-18]
    Gang Beasts on Crossing the Streams
  8. #2556
    I've actually been a 3D model since 2013.
    — Cameron [2016-05-18]
    Gang Beasts on Watch and Play
  9. #2555
    This is a mild circle of video game Hell, where all the broken geometry goes to die.
    — Alex [2016-05-18]
    Z.I.O.N. on Watch and Play
  10. #2554
    I can still shoot when I'm dead!
    — Alex [2016-05-18]
    Z.I.O.N. on Watch and Play
  11. #2553
    We lost framerate from dying.
    — Alex [2016-05-18]
    Z.I.O.N. on Watch and Play
  12. #2552
    Piss! Cocks! How?!
    — Alex [2016-05-18]
    SUPERTRUCK on Watch and Play
  13. #2551
    I haven't even played regular truck!
    — Alex [2016-05-18]
    SUPERTRUCK on Watch and Play
  14. #2550
    We went to hopsital and hopsital was a bad idea...
    — Graham [2016-05-18]
    Feelings Adrift on Watch and Play
  15. #2549
    You seem like you need skin.
    — Graham [2016-05-18]
    Feelings Adrift on Watch and Play
  16. #2548
    Can I cash these thats in?
    — Alex [2016-05-18]
    Feelings Adrift on Watch and Play
  17. #2547
    Dude, it just dubsteps me right out.
    — Alex [2016-05-18]
    Silver Bullet: The Prometheus on Watch and Play
  18. #2546
    Go home, anime. You're drunk.
    — Alex [2016-05-18]
    Silver Bullet: The Prometheus on Watch and Play
  19. #2545
    I'm scared. I'm always scared. Then there's a brief moment of excitement, then despair.
    — Alex, regarding Watch & Play [2016-05-17]
    Shadow of the Beast on New Day Tewsday
  20. #2544
    I hope Time Ramesside has updated again.
    — Alex [2016-05-17]
    Shadow of the Beast on New Day Tewsday
  21. #2543
    I think it's flirting with you.
    — Alex, regarding the 3-headed dragon boss [2016-05-17]
    Shadow of the Beast on New Day Tewsday
  22. #2542
    I'm just leaving blood everywhere... because I can.
    — Paul [2016-05-17]
    Shadow of the Beast on New Day Tewsday
  23. #2541
    Zoo Race? 10 out of 10. Full Stop.
    — Alex [2016-05-17]
    Shadow of the Beast on New Day Tewsday
  24. #2540
    I would rate this sandy beige.
    — Alex [2016-05-17]
    Shadow of the Beast on New Day Tewsday
  25. #2539
    Are you saying he has Amiibo poisoning?
    — Alex [2016-05-17]
    Shadow of the Beast on New Day Tewsday