LRRbot Quotes

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Currently playing: Magic: The Gathering on AFK [Watch live]
Please keep in mind that many of the following quotes are taken out of context, be it for comedic effect or out of necessity. Take all of them with a grain of salt and bear in mind they don't necessarily reflect their originators' views and opinions. That being said, if you find any quote to be particularly awful, please notify the moderator of your choice to have its removal evaluated.
  1. #2110
    Penelope, the Internet is a dark place. Never go there.
    — Graham [2016-03-16]
  2. #2109
    Press F to blow up.
    — Graham [2016-03-16]
  3. #2108
    It can't see through glass.
    — Paul [2016-03-16]
  4. #2107
    Butt Domination! That's also illegal in many places, but some people are into that.
    — Paul [2016-03-16]
  5. #2106
    The maximum resolution is...a dumb one.
    — Graham [2016-03-16]
  6. #2105
    Wow... It's the Internet... OK, I don't want to talk to you anyway...
    — Graham [2016-03-16]
  7. #2104
    We're going to spend this whole time looking at garbage, FYI.
    — Alex [2016-03-15]
  8. #2103
    — Beej [2016-03-14]
  9. #2102
    Yes, I'm covered in faeries!
    — Paul [2016-03-14]
  10. #2101
    Yay! We found gold in the graveyard! In the form of somebody's teeth!
    — Paul [2016-03-14]
  11. #2100
    Why am I attacking this thing that is my only means of support?
    — Paul [2016-03-14]
  12. #2099
    We've got a serious case of the beeps. Meat beeps.
    — Paul [2016-03-14]
  13. #2098
    OK, that plan isn't working. I've determined that by dying 10 times.
    — Paul [2016-03-14]
  14. #2097
    That's me there, tickling myself on the chin.
    — Paul [2016-03-14]
  15. #2096
    You don't get to just make up new echelons!
    — Paul [2016-03-14]
  16. #2095
    She dances like I do!
    — Ian [2016-03-13]
  17. #2094
    It's been a while since I've looked up the female Ronald McDonald.
    — Heather [2016-03-13]
  18. #2093
    I don't think those pants are McDonald regulation.
    — Ian [2016-03-13]
  19. #2092
    Kate... don't eat the cat.
    — Graham [2016-03-12]
  20. #2091
    No entry: my ass.
    — Alex [2016-03-11]
  21. #2090
    Did you just drop some post-apocalyptic weird acid?
    — Beej [2016-03-11]
  22. #2089
    Explode ass...
    — Alex [2016-03-11]
  23. #2088
    Gosh darnit, my thing popped.
    — Alex [2016-03-11]
  24. #2087
    How do you... name... word?
    — Cori [2016-03-11]
  25. #2085
    Do you need a poop? Here you go.
    — Alex [2016-03-11]