LRRbot Quotes

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Please keep in mind that many of the following quotes are taken out of context, be it for comedic effect or out of necessity. Take all of them with a grain of salt and bear in mind they don't necessarily reflect their originators' views and opinions. That being said, if you find any quote to be particularly awful, please notify the moderator of your choice to have its removal evaluated.
  1. #2357
    The last thing we would want here at LoadingReadyRun is to make things silly.
    — Paul [2016-04-20]
    Deus Ex: Invisible War on GPLP
  2. #2356
    You can't fire part of a rocket. It's either a rocket or it isn't.
    — Paul [2016-04-20]
    Deus Ex: Invisible War on GPLP
  3. #2355
    I can't leave the way I came in: there's a badly-mapped texture up there.
    — Graham [2016-04-20]
    Deus Ex: Invisible War on GPLP
  4. #2354
    The flying saucer people have done this before.
    — Graham [2016-04-20]
    None on GPLP
  5. #2353
    You're not a machine, Cori.
    — Ian [2016-04-19]
    Roundabout on I, Horner
  6. #2352
    I want it. I'm people.
    — Cori [2016-04-19]
    Roundabout on I, Horner
  7. #2351
    Wow, this blood just keeps coming!
    — Ian [2016-04-19]
    Roundabout on I, Horner
  8. #2350
    Cori no like the flesh.
    — Ian [2016-04-19]
    Roundabout on I, Horner
  9. #2349
    I keep killing a non-existent human being there.
    — Ian [2016-04-19]
    Roundabout on I, Horner
  10. #2348
    Cori: would you like to hang out with my skeleton?
    — Ian [2016-04-19]
    Roundabout on I, Horner
  11. #2347
    Gillian Anderson's beard is FANTASTIC these days.
    — Ian [2016-04-19]
    Roundabout on I, Horner
  12. #2346
    You can spin the more convenient way.
    — Cori [2016-04-19]
    Roundabout on I, Horner
  13. #2345
    You told me not to call you 'dude'! Don't call me 'dude'!
    — Cori, to Ian [2016-04-19]
    Roundabout on I, Horner
  14. #2344
    Do we want to learn how to breathe boulders?
    — Alex [2016-04-19]
  15. #2343
    Never ever ever use screws that come with anything.
    — James [2015-06-06]
    Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones on Beej's Backlog
  16. #2342
    Probably a Heather/Beej *** fic.
    — Beej [2016-04-18]
    Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones on Beej's Backlog
  17. #2341
    Dinosaurs aren't monkeys!
    — Heather [2016-04-18]
    Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones on Beej's Backlog
  18. #2340
    And now my leg day has become infected... as is often the result of leg day.
    — Paul [2016-04-18]
    Tron 2.0 on Things on My Stream
  19. #2339
    You got sequenced!
    — Paul [2016-04-18]
    Tron 2.0 on Things on My Stream
  20. #2338
    I had a full-sized hot-air balloon in my pants.
    — Paul [2016-04-18]
    Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis on Things on My Stream
  21. #2337
    It's not so big that I can't put it in my pants, though.
    — Paul [2016-04-18]
    Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis on Things on My Stream
  22. #2336
    Who knows what treasures you can find at your local Dicksmith!
    — Paul [2016-04-18]
    CheckPoint Plus on CheckPoint Plus
  23. #2335
    Strong jaw line is not something usually associated with Pokemon.
    — Paul [2016-04-18]
    CheckPoint Plus on CheckPoint Plus
  24. #2333
    Find & Replace: face, mace.
    — Cameron [2016-04-16]
    Dungeons & Dragons on Crossing the Streams
  25. #2332
    I can't... I can't Yoda.
    — Julie [2016-04-16]
    Dungeons & Dragons on Crossing the Streams