LRRbot Quotes

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Please keep in mind that many of the following quotes are taken out of context, be it for comedic effect or out of necessity. Take all of them with a grain of salt and bear in mind they don't necessarily reflect their originators' views and opinions. That being said, if you find any quote to be particularly awful, please notify the moderator of your choice to have its removal evaluated.
  1. #2228
    Stoners get piped!
    — Alex [2016-04-01]
    Locked-In Syndrome on Watch and Play
  2. #2227
    These ones don't seem... AAH! WHY?
    — Graham [2016-04-01]
    Locked-In Syndrome on Watch and Play
  3. #2226
    *belch* Yeah, I'm lrrEFF ing adorable.
    — Cameron [2016-03-30]
  4. #2225
    Why can't you get your OWN material?
    — Adam, to James [2016-03-31]
    Magic: The Gathering Online on LRRMtG
  5. #2224
    I'm an idiot, James.
    — Adam [2016-03-31]
    Magic: The Gathering Online on LRRMtG
  6. #2223
    Doorbell? Doorbell? Hey, everyone. We have a doorbell!
    — Graham [2016-03-31]
    Magic: The Gathering Online on LRRMtG
  7. #2222
    It's silly.
    — Cameron, on Bitcoin [2016-03-31]
    Magic: The Gathering Online on LRRMtG
  8. #2221
    It's longer than usual.
    — Graham [2016-03-31]
    Hyper Light Drifter on Video Games with Video James
  9. #2220
    What can't you do with a second butthole
    — Cameron [2016-03-30]
    Dark Souls on A Swiftly Tilting Cameron
  10. #2219
    Good God man! Don't highlight that! People can Google my name and I'm looking for a job!
    — Cameron [2016-03-30]
    Dark Souls on A Swiftly Tilting Cameron
  11. #2218
    Man... Chat... You're being totally helpful today. What's up?
    — Cameron [2016-03-30]
    Dark Souls on A Swiftly Tilting Cameron
  12. #2217
    I'm going to die here. It's going to be your fault, Chat. I don't know why it's going to be your fault, but I'm comfortable believing that.
    — Cameron [2016-03-30]
    Dark Souls on A Swiftly Tilting Cameron
  13. #2216
    I am a magical girl. I am an animes. *beat* You may call me a magical girl, but you can tell from the amount of damage I'm doing that I'm ACTUALLY cosplaying as a Mack truck.
    — Cameron [2016-03-30]
    Dark Souls on A Swiftly Tilting Cameron
  14. #2215
    You have to put 8 nerdlets together to make 1 nerd.
    — Paul [2016-03-30]
    Deus Ex: Invisible War on GPLP
  15. #2214
    Whoever plays the least golf wins.
    — Paul [2016-03-30]
    Deus Ex: Invisible War on GPLP
  16. #2213
    I'll only play with Beej from now on.
    — Ian [2016-03-29]
    Shenmū II on I, Horner
  17. #2212
    I like spinning birds.
    — Ian [2016-03-29]
    Samorost 3 on IDDQDerp
  18. #2211
    I COMPLETELY forgot what I just looked at.
    — Alex [2016-03-29]
    Samorost 3 on IDDQDerp
  19. #2210
    I feel like I've just had a religious experience
    — Alex, regarding Saint Termite [2016-03-29]
    Samorost 3 on IDDQDerp
  20. #2209
    I've never been so happy to be confused out of my mind.
    — Alex [2016-03-29]
    Samorost 3 on IDDQDerp
  21. #2208
    I ship it?
    — Alex [2016-03-29]
    Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam on Heather's Handhelds
  22. #2207
    I'm not going to hurt him, I'm just going to win.
    — Cori [2016-03-28]
  23. #2206
    There's a fetish for that.
    — Heather [2016-03-28]
  24. #2205
    All of my quotes are about toilets.
    — Cori [2016-03-28]
  25. #2204
    Why do you have water in your lungs, Hodor?!
    — Cori [2016-03-28]