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Please keep in mind that many of the following quotes are taken out of context, be it for comedic effect or out of necessity. Take all of them with a grain of salt and bear in mind they don't necessarily reflect their originators' views and opinions. That being said, if you find any quote to be particularly awful, please notify the moderator of your choice to have its removal evaluated.
  1. #1897
    I'm full of ghosts.
    — Alex [2016-02-19]
  2. #1896
    Let's open a time hole!
    — Cori [2016-02-19]
  3. #1895
    I've revealed my one ambition in life: being a teenage girl.
    — Alex [2016-02-19]
  4. #1894
    You can't die, Ren! Because I have to kill you myself!
    — Alex [2016-02-19]
  5. #1893
    He's a wiener, but I don't want him to die!
    — Alex [2016-02-19]
  6. #1892
    Chat has told me not to eat a bridge.
    — Cori [2016-02-19]
  7. #1891
    He goes right up my *** every single time.
    — Alex [2016-02-19]
  8. #1890
    I want a dragon where I feed it beans and it gives me gold.
    — Alex [2016-02-19]
  9. #1889
    I need to get back to groin my moe!
    — Alex [2016-02-19]
  10. #1888
    She's wearing MOST of a pair of pants...
    — Alex [2016-02-19]
  11. #1887
    That's a weird *** thing to say, even for me.
    — Cameron [2016-02-18]
  12. #1886
    I've got like resting dread face.
    — Cameron [2016-02-18]
  13. #1885
    This game is stealing my life again. It's definitely abrading my ability to play Magic all the time.
    — Cameron [2016-02-18]
  14. #1884
    Haumph yelled at me once.
    — Cameron [2016-02-18]
  15. #1883
    Well, Paul's just a giant douche, so...
    — James [2016-02-18]
  16. #1882
    I hate when good people watch our draft.
    — James [2016-02-18]
  17. #1881
    And yes, that's a sex thing.
    — James [2016-02-18]
  18. #1880
    — Andrew [2016-02-18]
  19. #1879
    No, Siri, I'm not considering alcoholism.
    — Ian [2016-02-16]
  20. #1878
    That sounds like trees, or death.
    — Ian [2016-02-16]
  21. #1877
    Is there such a thing as brutalist graffiti?
    — Cori [2016-02-16]
  22. #1876
    In the back of my mind, I always had the suspicion that there were dead bodies in an ice cream van. Now I know.
    — Paul [2016-02-17]
  23. #1875
    You can't drive the truck up the stairs.
    — Graham [2016-02-17]
  24. #1873
    I don't want bedbugs. Bedbugs suck.
    — Paul [2016-02-17]
  25. #1872
    If everyone could just stop *** with shit... I'd really appreciate it.
    — Graham [2016-02-17]