LRRbot Quotes

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Currently playing: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl on Play it Forward [Watch live]
Please keep in mind that many of the following quotes are taken out of context, be it for comedic effect or out of necessity. Take all of them with a grain of salt and bear in mind they don't necessarily reflect their originators' views and opinions. That being said, if you find any quote to be particularly awful, please notify the moderator of your choice to have its removal evaluated.
  1. #8591
    I'm unzipping the frog!!
    — Cori [2023-07-17]
    None on Rhythm Cafe
  2. #8590
    I didn't hear what you said, but it was very sassy!
    — Featherweight [2023-07-17]
    Art on Rhythm Cafe
  3. #8589
    In my defence, I trusted Uno.
    — Serge [2023-07-11]
    Minecraft on Play it Forward
  4. #8588
    I'm fun! (You always know somebody's fun when they say 'I'm fun!')
    — Jacob [2023-07-09]
  5. #8587
    It's not a dark souls boss Nelson, they're gonna figure it out.
    — Adam [2023-07-07]
    Street Fighter 6 on Crossing the Streams
  6. #8586
    Let's have some potentially dangerous fun.
    — Ian [2023-07-06]
    Food & Drink on Crossing the Streams
  7. #8585
    Bombs will solve all of our problems!
    — Cori [2023-07-03]
    TowerFall Ascension on Crossing the Streams
  8. #8584
    While I *admire* Skeletor, I don't want to *be* Skeletor.
    — Ian [2023-07-02]
    Crypt of the NecroDancer on Bonus Stream
  9. #8583
    I'm very good at going down the road of badness.
    — Heather [2023-07-02]
    Crypt of the NecroDancer on Bonus Stream
  10. #8582
    Skin-based advice? Well, I mean, only if you're eating.
    — Ian [2023-07-02]
    Crypt of the NecroDancer on Bonus Stream
  11. #8581
    It's still a fall even if it's sideways.
    — RebelliousUno [2023-06-27]
    Minecraft on Crossing the Streams
  12. #8580
    Spatchcock my mushurkey!
    — Beej [2023-06-26]
    Jackbox Party Packs on Crossing the Streams
  13. #8579
    Pick the scrungliest problem.
    — Matt [2023-06-26]
    Jackbox Party Packs on Crossing the Streams
  14. #8578
    I only speak the truth.
    — Ian, lying [2023-06-26]
    Jackbox Party Packs on Crossing the Streams
  15. #8577
    Drink the Grimace.
    — Cori [2023-06-26]
    Jackbox Party Packs on Crossing the Streams
  16. #8576
    And I will be drawing with the power of my voice!
    — Dale [2023-06-26]
    Games + Demos on Crossing the Streams
  17. #8575
    Now I can go fast. Now I Sonic. Oops. Me too fast become red. I Tails now.
    — Ian [2023-06-25]
    Project CARS 2 on Crossing the Streams
  18. #8574
    I'm sorry you have to hear that. It's crow time.
    — Cori [2023-06-24]
    Project CARS 2 on Crossing the Streams
  19. #8573
    This is good! I'm glad we tested this becaus- aaaaa!
    — Ian [2023-06-24]
    Project CARS 2 on Crossing the Streams
  20. #8572
    That's a mistake. Never read chat.
    — Cori [2023-06-24]
    Project CARS 2 on Crossing the Streams
  21. #8571
    Why have friends when you can just have four computers?
    — Cori [2023-06-24]
    Project CARS 2 on Crossing the Streams
  22. #8570
    Guess who's coming back to Race Pappy.
    — Ian [2023-06-24]
    Project CARS 2 on Crossing the Streams
  23. #8569
    Remember kids, the Mans in Le Mans is pronounced "Mans".
    — Ian [2023-06-24]
    Project CARS 2 on Crossing the Streams
  24. #8568
    Oh God, the barrels! The barrels are real!
    — James [2023-06-19]
    Crab Champions on Crossing the Streams
  25. #8567
    I don't know why videogames expect me to be polite.
    — Heather [2023-06-18]
    The Artful Escape on Rhythm Cafe