LRRbot Quotes

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Please keep in mind that many of the following quotes are taken out of context, be it for comedic effect or out of necessity. Take all of them with a grain of salt and bear in mind they don't necessarily reflect their originators' views and opinions. That being said, if you find any quote to be particularly awful, please notify the moderator of your choice to have its removal evaluated.
  1. #2126
    I believe the wiki!
    — Graham [2016-03-21]
  2. #2125
    I don't understand why the butt twitches.
    — Graham [2016-03-21]
  3. #2124
    I'm glad that you specified 'baby toy' at the start of that.
    — Andrew [2016-03-18]
  4. #2123
    I like to think I'm not a psychopath, thank you.
    — Graham [2016-03-18]
  5. #2122
    And he's purple! And I'm on fire! And I'm down!
    — Graham [2016-03-18]
  6. #2121
    I can't wear these gloves! They're TOO GOOD! I don't understand!
    — Graham [2016-03-18]
  7. #2120
    I am a huge fan of shirts.
    — Andrew [2016-03-18]
  8. #2119
    I'm the third problem.
    — Andrew [2016-03-18]
  9. #2118
    Why did he explode? WHY DID YOUR FRIEND EXPLODE?!
    — Alex [2016-03-17]
  10. #2117
    Oh good! A named enemy!
    — Alex [2016-03-17]
  11. #2116
    Many people find it stressful to have one boss... much less an entire group of people telling them what to do.
    — Alex [2016-03-17]
  12. #2115
    Assassination just don't pay like it used to.
    — Paul [2016-03-16]
  13. #2114
    Seek your butt!
    — Graham [2016-03-16]
  14. #2113
    Neurotoxin isn't going to work on a robot.
    — Paul [2016-03-16]
  15. #2112
    Well, we just killed that guy so we can poop in his bathroom.
    — Graham [2016-03-16]
  16. #2111
    They're like binoculars that you kill people with!
    — Paul [2016-03-16]
  17. #2110
    Penelope, the Internet is a dark place. Never go there.
    — Graham [2016-03-16]
  18. #2109
    Press F to blow up.
    — Graham [2016-03-16]
  19. #2108
    It can't see through glass.
    — Paul [2016-03-16]
  20. #2107
    Butt Domination! That's also illegal in many places, but some people are into that.
    — Paul [2016-03-16]
  21. #2106
    The maximum resolution is...a dumb one.
    — Graham [2016-03-16]
  22. #2105
    Wow... It's the Internet... OK, I don't want to talk to you anyway...
    — Graham [2016-03-16]
  23. #2104
    We're going to spend this whole time looking at garbage, FYI.
    — Alex [2016-03-15]
  24. #2103
    — Beej [2016-03-14]
  25. #2102
    Yes, I'm covered in faeries!
    — Paul [2016-03-14]