LRRbot Quotes

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Please keep in mind that many of the following quotes are taken out of context, be it for comedic effect or out of necessity. Take all of them with a grain of salt and bear in mind they don't necessarily reflect their originators' views and opinions. That being said, if you find any quote to be particularly awful, please notify the moderator of your choice to have its removal evaluated.
  1. #2075
    We CAN'T build 10 decks... I mean we CAN build 10 decks...
    — James [2016-03-10]
  2. #2074
    Maybe I should just quit ALL of my jobs and become a Blizzard streamer.
    — James [2016-03-10]
  3. #2073
    I blame my gardener.
    — James [2016-03-10]
  4. #2072
    A 7-drop is the opposite of a land.
    — Graham [2016-03-10]
  5. #2071
    We took the thing.
    — Graham [2016-03-10]
  6. #2070
    I think we take out the cute shit, and just put in good cards.
    — Cameron [2016-03-02]
  7. #2069
    Eating? What, like food? I didn't know Cam ate food. I thought he subsisted on the suffering of others.
    — Graham [2016-03-09]
  8. #2068
    We need to make that happen. We also need several million dollars to make it good.
    — James [2016-03-09]
  9. #2067
    Can we just not do the other thing and go to Disney World instead?
    — Graham [2016-03-09]
  10. #2066
    How did we hack the LIGHT?
    — Graham [2016-03-09]
  11. #2065
    That was cool, but not what you really needed.
    — Paul [2016-03-09]
  12. #2064
    Stick it in the virus hole!
    — Graham [2016-03-09]
  13. #2063
    I miss Deadmau5. He was cool.
    — Graham [2016-03-09]
  14. #2062
    He's very sticky.
    — Graham [2016-03-09]
  15. #2061
    *regarding guns* You point the noisy end at someone else.
    — Graham [2016-03-09]
  16. #2060
    Sex logs? What's a sex log? 'Today I had sex.'", GRAHAM: "Dear Diary: […]
    — Paul [2016-07-15]
  17. #2059
    Gotta connect the T-bone...
    — Graham [2016-03-09]
  18. #2058
    Hack the muffins!
    — Graham [2016-03-09]
  19. #2057
    Our nemesis is Deadmau5?
    — Graham [2016-03-09]
  20. #2056
    I don't like your balls. Get your balls away from me!
    — Alex [2016-03-08]
  21. #2055
    Thank you for a job well done, subscribing to my scream.
    — Beej [2016-03-07]
  22. #2054
    Ah! Stop lickin' mah head!
    — Paul [2016-03-07]
  23. #2052
    Don't hold your breath... Unless you can hold your breath for a couple of weeks, in which case, you can probably find a use for that skill.
    — Graham [2016-03-07]
  24. #2051
    Get piggety paid with your kidneys.
    — Ian [2016-03-06]
  25. #2050
    I hate you all.
    — James [2016-03-05]