LRRbot Quotes

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Please keep in mind that many of the following quotes are taken out of context, be it for comedic effect or out of necessity. Take all of them with a grain of salt and bear in mind they don't necessarily reflect their originators' views and opinions. That being said, if you find any quote to be particularly awful, please notify the moderator of your choice to have its removal evaluated.
  1. #1994
    Your meat power is unstoppable!
    — Ian [2016-03-01]
  2. #1993
    Well, you murdered someone with music...
    — Ian [2016-03-01]
  3. #1992
    I've got a thing I can play with.
    — Beej [2016-02-29]
  4. #1991
    It was not my fault that she got cancer.
    — Beej [2016-02-29]
  5. #1990
    Commence butt-fusion!
    — Paul [2016-02-29]
  6. #1989
    I don't have a dog in this fight because I AM NOT ENGAGING IN DOGFIGHTS.
    — Paul [2016-02-29]
  7. #1988
    Is there even a button to not kill somebody?
    — Paul [2016-02-17]
  8. #1987
    Unwarranted violence? That man stole a wallet!
    — Graham [2016-02-10]
  9. #1986
    I would like to have a door on my house. I would actually like to have two doors on my house.
    — Alex [2016-02-26]
  10. #1985
    Cori: Why would you have a brick wall covered in air fresheners?
    — Alex [2016-02-26]
  11. #1984
    Oh boy... we've got a weiner.
    — Alex [2016-02-26]
  12. #1983
    I am Ang Lee.
    — Cori [2016-02-26]
  13. #1982
    I've had hard times... Pissing baby will always be there for me.
    — Alex [2016-02-26]
  14. #1981
    That's your out hole. You don't want to stick things in your out hole. Your pink is your in hole.
    — Ian [2016-02-26]
  15. #1980
    You can switch Jesus...
    — James [2016-02-25]
  16. #1979
    When that hotline bling, it can only mean one thing: lobster.
    — Cameron [2016-02-25]
  17. #1978
    Is that 1-800-LOBSTER calling back?
    — Graham [2016-02-25]
  18. #1977
    'James this is important.' 'So is calling 1-800-LOBSTER!'
    — Graham and James [2016-02-25]
  19. #1976
    Adam's in chat? Aren't you supposed to be HERE?!
    — James [2016-02-25]
  20. #1975
    That sucks, but... *thinks* Full stop. That sucks butt.
    — Graham [2016-02-25]
  21. #1974
    James has a hunger, and that hunger, iiiiiiiiiis for hunger
    — Graham
  22. #1973
    Little-known fact: Morgan... actually Dr. Dre.
    — James [2016-02-25]
  23. #1972
    Why do I have to be Eric?
    — James [2016-02-25]
  24. #1971
    I remember this card! This is like Cartel Aristocrat, if it was terrible.
    — Cameron [2016-02-24]
  25. #1969
    I don't know what two stones trapped in a soggy bag would look like.
    — Graham [2016-02-24]