LRRbot Quotes

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Raccoons tend to all look alike, unless you have a discerning eye
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Please keep in mind that many of the following quotes are taken out of context, be it for comedic effect or out of necessity. Take all of them with a grain of salt and bear in mind they don't necessarily reflect their originators' views and opinions. That being said, if you find any quote to be particularly awful, please notify the moderator of your choice to have its removal evaluated.
  1. #1595
    — Ian [2016-01-17]
  2. #1594
    You also have a thing.
    — Cameron [2016-01-17]
  3. #1593
    I... am an idiot.
    — Ian [2016-01-17]
  4. #1592
    Here, we EXPERIMENT with toxic masculinity.
    — Cameron [2016-01-17]
  5. #1591
    You say a LOT of things, Ian.
    — Cameron [2016-01-17]
  6. #1590
    — Penelope [2016-01-17]
  7. #1589
    What's it like being garbage?
    — Cameron [2016-01-17]
  8. #1588
    OK. Paul's not going to tell us something.
    — Graham [2016-01-17]
  9. #1587
    *while inhaling* ... anus...
    — Graham [2016-01-17]
  10. #1586
    She farts all the time, just like her dad.
    — Graham [2016-01-17]
  11. #1585
    How dare you leave this stream for content that is much better!
    — James [2016-01-16]
  12. #1584
    I also like cuddling and murder.
    — Kate [2016-01-15]
  13. #1583
    I could literally also just talk to my brother.
    — Kate [2016-01-15]
  14. #1582
    You don't have to quote EVERYTHING I say!
    — Alex [2016-01-15]
  15. #1581
    Yahtzee may be the only attraction left at the Escapist.
    — Alex [2016-01-15]
  16. #1580
    I heard once you clack, you don't go back.
    — Alex [2016-01-15]
  17. #1579
    Don't attribute that to me!
    — Alex [2016-01-15]
  18. #1578
    We're going to have a disargument.
    — Alex [2016-01-15]
  19. #1576
    I don't want bacon popsicles.
    — Cori [2016-01-15]
  20. #1575
    I like that it knows we're two different Jills.
    — Cori [2016-01-15]
  21. #1574
    give me more wood, I want more wood... hehe
    — Adam [2016-01-14]
  22. #1573
    My life is misery.
    — Adam [2016-01-14]
  23. #1572
    Add 16 mountains... done. We've built a deck of hate.
    — Graham [2016-01-14]
  24. #1571
    Dammit, Hosk...
    — Graham [2016-01-14]
  25. #1570
    I blame Alex. That's definitely an Alex problem.
    — Graham [2016-01-14]