LRRbot Quotes

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Please keep in mind that many of the following quotes are taken out of context, be it for comedic effect or out of necessity. Take all of them with a grain of salt and bear in mind they don't necessarily reflect their originators' views and opinions. That being said, if you find any quote to be particularly awful, please notify the moderator of your choice to have its removal evaluated.
  1. #1789
    I don't want to learn stuff, I want to go home!
    — Alex [2016-02-12]
  2. #1788
    Do you ENJOY being FASCISTS?!
    — Alex [2016-02-12]
  3. #1787
    You're the first Jewish Muslim I've ever met.
    — Alex [2016-02-12]
  4. #1786
    Damn, I wish I was smart enough to punch guys.
    — Ben [2016-02-12]
  5. #1785
    Just sleep for 70 days.
    — Graham [2016-02-12]
  6. #1784
    Please do not shove a syringe up my ass!
    — Graham [2016-02-12]
  7. #1783
    new prison who dis
    — Graham [2016-02-12]
  8. #1782
    Go to JAIL!
    — Graham [2016-02-12]
  9. #1781
    Why is a stick fighting me?
    — Alex [2016-02-12]
  10. #1780
    You're so good at porker.
    — Graham [2016-02-12]
  11. #1779
    Why the lrrEFF is that a SLIDER?
    — Alex [2016-02-12]
  12. #1778
    That's a penis!
    — Alex [2016-02-12]
  13. #1777
    All his parts turned into smaller parts.
    — Graham [2016-02-12]
  14. #1776
    Stop... being... everything...
    — Graham [2016-02-12]
  15. #1775
    This is far more competent than the gameplay we usually get on Watch & Play.
    — Graham [2016-02-12]
  16. #1774
    Goddamnit! I was looking at that!
    — Alex [2016-02-12]
  17. #1773
    Shit. He's smart.
    — Alex [2016-02-12]
  18. #1772
    Do you not have elevator music in YOUR shaft?
    — Graham [2016-02-12]
  19. #1771
    I'm looking forward to going home and chasing my monkey later.
    — Graham [2016-02-12]
  20. #1770
    I can see up ya pant leg...
    — Alex [2016-02-12]
  21. #1769
    This is going to be an FPS Zoo Race.
    — Alex [2016-02-12]
  22. #1768
    Alex... Alex... I want Borneo, too.
    — Graham [2016-02-12]
  23. #1767
    What's the black thing on the screen? That's me.
    — Cameron [2016-02-11]
  24. #1766
    I forgot to declare a variable... and that variable was pi.
    — Cameron [2016-02-11]
  25. #1765
    You guys know I can READ chat, right?
    — Cameron [2016-02-11]