LRRbot Quotes

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Please keep in mind that many of the following quotes are taken out of context, be it for comedic effect or out of necessity. Take all of them with a grain of salt and bear in mind they don't necessarily reflect their originators' views and opinions. That being said, if you find any quote to be particularly awful, please notify the moderator of your choice to have its removal evaluated.
  1. #1764
    Man, when you get shot in the face so hard, the building next to you explodes...
    — Cameron [2016-02-11]
  2. #1763
    I want to move somewhere that isn't here.
    — Cameron [2016-02-10]
  3. #1762
    How are you such toilet masters?
    — Cameron [2016-02-10]
  4. #1761
    The aviators are also hair?
    — Cameron [2016-02-10]
  5. #1760
    Never cough into your beer.
    — Cameron [2016-02-10]
  6. #1759
    What games do I play when I just want to chill and not play something difficult? I read books.
    — Cameron [2016-02-10]
  7. #1758
    Are we bantering? No, bantering implies some sort of charisma and chemistry.
    — Graham [2016-02-10]
  8. #1757
    They're going to HTTP all over the place.
    — Graham [2016-02-10]
  9. #1756
    Why were her nipples tagged?
    — Graham [2016-02-10]
  10. #1755
    As a kidnapper, it's your responsibility to keep track of the people you kidnap. That's part of the relationship.
    — Paul [2016-02-10]
  11. #1754
    I wipe my cache between every show so that I retain normality.
    — Ian [2016-02-10]
  12. #1753
    I don't like this game... I mean, I like this game, but I don't like THIS game, but... uh... DAD GO AWAY!
    — Heather [2016-02-10]
  13. #1752
    I'm illiterate!
    — Ian [2016-02-09]
  14. #1751
    You are not allowed to use any form of the electromagnetic spectrum.
    — Cori [2016-02-09]
  15. #1750
    She's dead in Australia. I talked with her through the magic radio.
    — Ian [2016-02-09]
  16. #1749
    She in Australia, she's not dead!
    — Cori [2016-02-09]
  17. #1748
    What even is living?
    — Cori [2016-02-09]
  18. #1747
    I wonder if the skeleton likes beer.
    — Ian [2016-02-09]
  19. #1746
    Let's not think about Olivia Newton John anymore
    — Ian [2016-02-09]
  20. #1745
    Did you just attempt... to invent... noiseword?
    — Cori [2016-02-09]
  21. #1744
    I look like Skeletor, but with flesh.
    — Ian [2016-02-09]
  22. #1743
    I cannot report wood.
    — Ian [2016-02-09]
  23. #1742
    Wank you. It's a combination of Welcome and Thank You.
    — Ian [2016-02-09]
  24. #1741
    Come on, thermos! Stop lrrEFF ing with my rolls!
    — Ian [2016-02-09]
  25. #1740
    'Shartly.' 'No!'
    — Ian and Cori [2016-02-09]