LRRbot Quotes

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Please keep in mind that many of the following quotes are taken out of context, be it for comedic effect or out of necessity. Take all of them with a grain of salt and bear in mind they don't necessarily reflect their originators' views and opinions. That being said, if you find any quote to be particularly awful, please notify the moderator of your choice to have its removal evaluated.
  1. #1293
    THAT'S what they are doing in the ladies' room! Reloading muskets!
    — Paul and Graham [2015-12-16]
  2. #1292
    It's that she was SMASHED, not that she was FEMALE...
    — Graham [2015-12-16]
  3. #1291
    What? The cameras? Like in England?
    — Graham [2015-12-16]
  4. #1290
    Is this a dead ghost?
    — Paul [2015-12-16]
  5. #1289
    The living are REALLY STUPID!
    — Paul [2015-12-16]
  6. #1288
    I remember that time in my life. That was just now.
    — Graham [2015-12-16]
  7. #1287
    Nothing good ends with the words "imposed by the publisher"...
    — Paul [2015-12-16]
  8. #1286
    There are people under there?
    — Ian [2015-12-16]
  9. #1285
    I am also not a bridge. I choose to be a tunnel. Maybe a Chunnel.
    — Ian [2015-12-16]
  10. #1284
    Of course there's a dog barking: there's a horn.
    — Heather [2015-12-16]
  11. #1283
    Lesson learned: Heather is not a bridge.
    — Ian [2015-12-16]
  12. #1282
    Dogs and people may love. All other animals breed in stony silence.
    — Ian [2015-12-16]
  13. #1281
    I don't think that's how beat-boxing works, Ian.
    — Heather [2015-12-16]
  14. #1280
    I don't expect anyone to keep up with Hodor Canon.
    — Heather [2015-12-16]
  15. #1279
    Fork, fork, fork, every day!
    — Heather [2015-12-16]
  16. #1278
    You're not too hayai, you're not too osoi.
    — Ian [2015-12-16]
  17. #1277
    I am a pretty terrible car.
    — Ian [2015-12-15]
  18. #1276
    But why did he feel the need to recreate the racists?
    — Ian [2015-12-15]
  19. #1275
    Is the audio streaming literally through my head?
    — Ian [2015-12-15]
  20. #1274
    Have a good lrrEFF off!
    — Ian [2015-12-15]
  21. #1273
    Coma sex headsmash
    — Ian [2015-12-15]
  22. #1272
    Yay! Tiger!
    — Ian [2015-12-15]
  23. #1271
    Forklift! Yes!
    — Ian [2015-12-15]
  24. #1270
    I'm full of holes.
    — Cori [2015-12-15]
  25. #1269
    Close your eyes and think of Asimov.
    — Alex [2015-12-15]