Fill your boots with butter tarts.
The stream is not currently live. Next scheduled stream: Play it Forward (Alex heads into The Zone on Play it Forward. Game: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl) at Mon 10:00 AM PDT (6:30 from now).
Please keep in mind that many of the following quotes are taken out of context, be it for comedic effect or out of necessity. Take all of them with a grain of salt and bear in mind they don't necessarily reflect their originators' views and opinions. That being said, if you find any quote to be particularly awful, please notify the moderator of your choice to have its removal evaluated.
That movie was a nine-foot boner with a cheeseburger on the end. It didn't need a sequel.
It's bigger than God.
It's a TM. The DRM on that CD breaks it.
You know, I feel as though some of these locations might actually look a little better than Walden and the Werewolf. At least I think these people have been inside a building.
Can I just say, I reject her. Right now. The subocean rejects this.
Manga, not even once.
What if we did a generic horror game but it was headlined by a manga character. BY MY OC! I'M GONNA PUT MY OC IN A HORROR MANGA GAME, he's a kid and he's got a striped shirt and his necklace has a razorblade on it and he's got pink eyes, 'cause...
Like I get it: you read all of Death Note and you're like, shit, I want to make a video game.
Chi da! Editor's note: chi means blood.
The lrrEFF are we walking on?
Ah, such angstu da.
I brought sushi. It's Japanese.
It's so tough being thirteen.
A slinky ripped just ripped the bear's head off.
I don't think even Ched is drunk enough for this game.
I wish we could race around the library.
I bet you could feed him a gnome, too. I bet you could send another gnome to his lrrEFF ing death in the jaws of that awful serpent.
"*whispering* Is he trying to lrrEFF us?" "I hope so. Otherwise the whole thing doesn't make sense."
Alex and Graham
Spud! stands head and shoulders above such games as Myst.
PC Gamer Magazine
Give her the Rusty Door.
It's so cathartic to see Spud eat *** once in a while.
It's called 'The Quivering'? What do you mean it's called 'The Quivering'?
Why is there a one banana toll just to get over to where a monkey is asleep?
Bunny pancakes, anyone?
Now we get to watch this gnome die again. We get to send him to his death. Alright, little gnome, I need you to be very brave right now. Daddy needs you to do something very important for him and he'll be very proud of you. It's going to be okay. Only dreams now.