LRRbot Quotes

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Please keep in mind that many of the following quotes are taken out of context, be it for comedic effect or out of necessity. Take all of them with a grain of salt and bear in mind they don't necessarily reflect their originators' views and opinions. That being said, if you find any quote to be particularly awful, please notify the moderator of your choice to have its removal evaluated.
  1. #1534
    We just lrrEFF ing murdered him! We killed that man. We killed him.
    — Alex [2015-03-27]
  2. #1533
    "I'm ten! Reindeer meat! It arrived when we did! Why is that, Graham? Why did the reindeer meat show up when we did?" "Because our friends got shot out of the sky by some missiles." "They're lrrEFF ing dead. And you want to feed them to us?" "Santa's reindeer got gibbled in the air."
    — Alex and Graham [2015-03-27]
  3. #1532
    Yeah, 'cause the naked anthro-reindeer hitting on a ten-year-old wasn't weird enough, now we have jive-talking orangutans.
    — Graham [2015-03-27]
  4. #1531
    I'm ten. And my friends were just killed in a plane crash. You want me to go get you either a dollar or some rum, penguin man? ok.
    — Alex [2015-03-27]
  5. #1530
    "Did they died? Did they died?" "You didn't! You fell from the lrrEFF ing sky and landed on the..." "Wow, what a wacky adventure! We got hit by a lrrEFF ing cruise missile."
    — Alex and Graham [2015-03-27]
  6. #1529
    We just used fireplace bellows to inflate Prancer, the inflatable reindeer and totally not sex toy.
    — Graham [2015-03-27]
  7. #1528
    Hey! You need all four reindeer to take off.
    — a little gnome
  8. #1527
    You're a little kid! You've seen dead people and naked reindeers today.
    — Alex [2015-03-27]
  9. #1526
    Fugi, hi! Help! I want hopsital!
    — Graham [2015-03-27]
  10. #1525
    Oh, good. Oh, good. Oh, good. We have to mouth her now. Are you ready to mouth the naked reindeer we just...
    — Alex [2015-03-27]
  11. #1524
    Why Spud? Who else could give a girl a hot flush on a cold night like this?
    — Donner
  12. #1523
    It's a little gnome! I'm going to put it in my bottom.
    — Alex [2015-03-27]
  13. #1522
    Right on, dude! Let's open the door that has claw marks all over it.
    — Alex [2015-03-27]
  14. #1521
    This is the murder room.
    — Alex [2015-03-27]
  15. #1520
    Is one of the reindeer a sex doll?
    — Alex [2015-03-27]
  16. #1519
    It's Prancer, the inflatable.
  17. #1518
    It looks like there's blood dripping down the walls.
    — Alex [2015-03-27]
  18. #1517
    Everything is fine again. Except for all the dead bodies downstairs. The tiny little crushed gnome bodies.
    — Alex [2015-03-27]
  19. #1516
    Aww, it's a fluffy bunny!
  20. #1515
    Why are we collecting dead gnomes?
    — Alex [2015-03-27]
  21. #1514
    It's a little gnome!
  22. #1512
    You got to be real with me: is this a horror game? Don't lrrEFF with me, Stark!
    — Alex [2015-03-27]
  23. #1511
    I've played games that you play like this. I mean... I've heard about them.
    — Alex [2015-03-27]
  24. #1510
    You need to slow down. What the lrrEFF do you mean "the Cube"?
    — Alex [2015-03-27]
  25. #1509
    I thought I was doing the right thing... turns out I was just a bucket of faeces.
    — Beej [2016-01-11]