LRRbot Quotes

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Please keep in mind that many of the following quotes are taken out of context, be it for comedic effect or out of necessity. Take all of them with a grain of salt and bear in mind they don't necessarily reflect their originators' views and opinions. That being said, if you find any quote to be particularly awful, please notify the moderator of your choice to have its removal evaluated.
  1. #1241
    I could have made 150 bucks running people over with my car... that's way easier than stealing a TV.
    — Paul [2015-12-09]
  2. #1240
    I'd love a flashing toaster! That'd be awesome!
    — Paul [2015-12-09]
  3. #1239
    Die! Eat guitar!
    — Paul [2015-12-09]
  4. #1238
    I don't know what a fire hydrant looks like!
    — Paul [2015-12-09]
  5. #1237
    Clean-up on Aisle YOU!
    — Paul [2015-12-09]
  6. #1236
    Yabba dabba do. I've got a tank now.
    — Paul [2015-12-09]
  7. #1235
    I'm starting to think that maybe I'm the bad guy here...
    — Paul [2015-12-09]
  8. #1234
    Your pineapple game is on point.
    — Ian [2015-12-09]
  9. #1233
    See, they're on a regular road. Now you can kill them.
    — Cori [2015-12-08]
  10. #1232
    I feel like unravelling a chunk of the sewer system is going to cause problems down the line.
    — Paul [2015-12-07]
  11. #1231
    Oh, I see! Waterfalls push you down!
    — Paul [2015-12-07]
  12. #1230
    But I'm close to me...
    — Paul [2015-12-07]
  13. #1229
    Heal the still-living one!
    — Cori [2015-12-01]
  14. #1228
    We're boning! We are boning now!
    — Alex [2015-12-04]
  15. #1227
    At least I can make the door bleed...
    — Alex [2015-12-04]
  16. #1226
    Why does everything bleed?
    — Graham [2015-12-04]
  17. #1225
    Someone PLEASE turn off the sink!
    — Graham [2015-12-04]
  18. #1224
    Oh shit! There's *** gameplay now?
    — Alex [2015-12-04]
  19. #1223
    Oh, this is erotic.
    — Alex [2015-12-04]
  20. #1222
    I grab myself.
    — Alex [2015-12-04]
  21. #1221
    I wish I was playing Zoo Race!
    — Alex [2015-12-04]
  22. #1220
    *Mission Impossible theme in "meow"s*
    — Paul [2015-12-02]
  23. #1219
    I have to elevate...
    — Graham [2015-12-02]
  24. #1218
    Hey, I'm a ghost, and my crotch is currently embedded in your face...
    — Paul [2015-12-02]
  25. #1217
    These shoes make it really hard to find the door.
    — Heather [2015-12-01]