LRRbot Quotes

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Don't you put it in your mouth.
The stream is not currently live. Next scheduled stream: Oki Oki Fight Club (Join Oki Oki Bois for some Street Fighter 6! Game: Street Fighter 6) at Fri 10:00 AM PDT (5:50 from now).
Please keep in mind that many of the following quotes are taken out of context, be it for comedic effect or out of necessity. Take all of them with a grain of salt and bear in mind they don't necessarily reflect their originators' views and opinions. That being said, if you find any quote to be particularly awful, please notify the moderator of your choice to have its removal evaluated.
  1. #890
    Please don't pin that to the taskbar.
    — Ben Soileau [2015-10-16]
  2. #889
    I hope i have amnesia...
    — Alex [2015-10-16]
  3. #888
    It's moody, Graham. That mood is blind rage.
    — Alex [2015-10-16]
  4. #887
    That's a light, not a key.
    — Graham [2015-10-16]
  5. #886
    We entered the sub-mountain.
    — Alex [2015-10-16]
  6. #885
    Can you put YOU through the wall and be gone?
    — Graham [2015-10-16]
  7. #884
    As someone who's used Unity, this is making my teeth hurt!
    — Alex [2015-10-16]
  8. #883
    Yay LMAO!
    — Alex [2015-10-16]
  9. #882
    You're being hella purified.
    — Graham [2015-10-16]
  10. #881
    I straight up don't understand this game, but I found it on the Internet.
    — Graham [2015-10-16]
  11. #880
    That was a scripted fall.
    — Graham [2015-10-16]
  12. #879
    None of you people are doing your jobs!
    — Graham [2015-10-16]
  13. #878
    I refuse to be crushed by my own product!
    — Alex [2015-10-16]
  14. #877
    This controls worse than my feet!
    — Alex [2015-10-16]
  15. #876
    Stand against the garbage!
    — Graham [2015-10-16]
  16. #875
    *Super Mario Brothers 2 theme song done in "Bwee"s*
    — Cameron [2015-10-16]
  17. #874
    This stream is now me reading TV Tropes.
    — Cameron [2015-10-16]
  18. #873
    Why did I light myself on fire?
    — Graham [2015-10-15]
  19. #872
    Why am I burning now?
    — Foxmar320 [2015-10-15]
  20. #871
    Aww... No turret for you to die in...
    — Ben Soileau [2015-10-15]
  21. #870
    Tip #1: Stream games you like.
    — James [2015-10-15]
  22. #869
    You scared my pig, asshole!
    — James [2015-10-15]
  23. #868
    That's just who I am now.
    — James [2015-10-15]
  24. #867
    If you're going to yell things in chat, at least be right.
    — Cameron [2015-10-14]
  25. #866
    Haha! Cheapness!
    — Paul [2015-10-14]