LRRbot Quotes

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Please keep in mind that many of the following quotes are taken out of context, be it for comedic effect or out of necessity. Take all of them with a grain of salt and bear in mind they don't necessarily reflect their originators' views and opinions. That being said, if you find any quote to be particularly awful, please notify the moderator of your choice to have its removal evaluated.
  1. #840
    Are the kids into vaping?
    — Graham [2015-10-13]
  2. #839
    You procedurally-generated so-and-so...
    — Alex [2015-10-13]
  3. #838
    Schroedinger's @$$hole...
    — Alex [2015-10-13]
  4. #837
    It had a pink butt!
    — Graham [2015-10-13]
  5. #836
    I don't know, maybe we just spam him with rockets.
    — Alex [2015-10-13]
  6. #835
    Shiv between the McRibs!
    — Alex [2015-10-13]
  7. #834
    How much is a cubic butt-load? I'm more used to the metric stuff.
    — Paul [2015-10-12]
  8. #833
    It turns out I was in the middle of being attacked.
    — Paul [2015-10-12]
  9. #832
    I was not prepared for a time jump!
    — Paul [2015-10-12]
  10. #831
    Who wanted my shoulders?
    — Paul [2015-10-12]
  11. #830
    What's the point of being a flying awesome demon if you can't play your electric guitar while doing it?
    — Paul [2015-10-12]
  12. #829
    I wasn't able to sex it because it was so angry.
    — Kathleen [2015-10-12]
  13. #828
    When did I say 'Fish are suck'?
    — Kathleen [2015-10-12]
  14. #827
    Feed Clay Aiken. He's hungry...
    — Kathleen [2015-10-12]
  15. #826
    Don't pull up Pinterest! They'll think a girl works here!
    — Kathleen [2015-10-12]
  16. #825
    I wanna ride the space bullet!
    — Alex [2015-10-09]
  17. #824
    I need to touch a butt. I feel bad.
    — Alex [2015-10-09]
  18. #823
    I've been saving the left hand for this...
    — Heather [2015-10-09]
  19. #822
    I've been in its butt...
    — Alex [2015-10-09]
  20. #821
    We can look at the *** now!
    — Alex [2015-10-09]
  21. #820
    The butt! The butt will save us!
    — Alex [2015-10-09]
  22. #819
    Let's not die virgins...
    — Alex [2015-10-09]
  23. #818
    I like how it has a face.
    — Alex [2015-10-09]
  24. #817
    I WILL touch the butt now.
    — Alex [2015-10-09]
  25. #816
    I'm not kink-shaming the robot.
    — Cameron [2015-10-09]