LRRbot Quotes

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Please keep in mind that many of the following quotes are taken out of context, be it for comedic effect or out of necessity. Take all of them with a grain of salt and bear in mind they don't necessarily reflect their originators' views and opinions. That being said, if you find any quote to be particularly awful, please notify the moderator of your choice to have its removal evaluated.
  1. #690
    That guy barfed on me!
    — Paul [2015-09-16]
  2. #689
    I just noticed that Trip has a big hole in her butt.
    — Paul [2015-09-16]
  3. #688
    It IS a modal dialogue! I was right the entire time!
    — Cori [2015-09-15]
  4. #687
    Who is responsible this?
    — Cori [2015-09-15]
  5. #686
    It's like the Shania Twain of pastries.
    — Julie [2015-09-15]
  6. #685
    It's still vibrating...
    — Julie [2015-09-15]
  7. #684
    Microsoft has bad ideas...
    — Julie [2015-09-15]
  8. #683
    I am super proud of my short T-Rex arms, actually.
    — Julie [2015-09-15]
  9. #682
    That is bug fuckin'! THAT is bug FUCKIN'!
    — Alex [2015-09-15]
  10. #681
    What has science done?
    — Julie [2015-09-15]
  11. #680
    No making out on my stream!
    — Cori [2015-09-15]
  12. #679
    I'm going to lick it so hard, it will wish I hadn't licked it so hard.
    — Julie [2015-09-15]
  13. #677
    I'm doing things with my tongue!
    — Julie [2015-09-15]
  14. #675
    No! I lost my DadBoat!
    — Cori [2015-09-15]
  15. #674
    *burping* Assbutts...
    — Alex [2015-09-15]
  16. #673
    I wanted bigger dongs.
    — Julie [2015-09-15]
  17. #672
    There was really no risk of me cutting my penis off.
    — Alex [2015-09-15]
  18. #671
    You're sitting there editing pixels on this pork anus.
    — Alex [2015-09-15]
  19. #670
    So you just watch for the junk? Strategy!
    — Julie [2015-09-15]
  20. #669
    I almost touched the wrong dad...
    — Cori [2015-09-15]
  21. #668
    That's not my dad!
    — Cori [2015-09-15]
  22. #667
    Oh, it's FIGHT TIME! Oh wait, it's not fight time yet. It's soon fight time.
    — Alex [2015-09-15]
  23. #666
    I am a king and I can charm the pants off anyone." "What do you do with them once their pants are off?
    — Beej and Cori [2015-09-14]
  24. #664
    Because it's Mario's birthday, I'll keep playing the same thing I have been...
    — Beej [2015-09-14]
  25. #663
    What game is Beej yelling at now?
    — Graham [2015-09-14]