LRRbot Quotes

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There will be a penguin and an armadillo at the reception.
Currently playing: Makers & Crafting on Tinker, Tailor, Solder, Fry [Watch live]
Please keep in mind that many of the following quotes are taken out of context, be it for comedic effect or out of necessity. Take all of them with a grain of salt and bear in mind they don't necessarily reflect their originators' views and opinions. That being said, if you find any quote to be particularly awful, please notify the moderator of your choice to have its removal evaluated.
  1. #612
    I like words. Words are great.
    — Alex [2015-08-27]
  2. #611
    Chat isn't terrible, they're just wrong about everything. No offence.
    — Cameron [2015-08-26]
  3. #610
    I'm very disappointed that those guys aren't more explosive.
    — Paul [2015-08-26]
  4. #609
    There's a technique using your thumb that tends to work.
    — Alex [2015-08-25]
  5. #608
    All I need is a ladle and I will become the Avatar of Death!
    — Kathleen [2015-08-25]
  6. #607
    Being a girl is awesome!
    — Heather [2015-08-25]
  7. #605
    I'll call you "Chicken Fucker"! Buh-gawk!
    — Alex [2015-08-21]
  8. #604
    Why can't you be a normal state, like Wyoming?
    — Alex [2015-08-21]
  9. #603
    Where the *** is Wales?
    — Alex [2015-08-21]
  10. #602
    It's always Goddamn Brazil!
    — Alex [2015-08-21]
  11. #601
    but dangit i need the Moonbase address before this hat goes bad
    — TehAmelie [2015-08-21]
  12. #600
    Yeah, I'm pretty great.
    — Graham [2015-08-20]
  13. #599
    Does the game know I'm streaming?
    — Graham [2015-08-20]
  14. #598
    I'm not making a lot of contact with the balls.
    — Graham [2015-08-20]
  15. #597
    Smoke Elfroot evry day
    — James [2015-08-20]
  16. #596
    Ashes to Ashes, BRRRRRT to BRRRRRT
    — Cameron [2015-08-19]
  17. #595
    The T-70 has a potato for optics, Estonian potato optics"
    — Cameron [2015-08-19]
  18. #594
    Don't punch it again... You idiot.
    — Kathleen [2015-08-19]
  19. #593
    n0rm99! Thank you for BLOCKING MY SCREEN!
    — Beej [2015-08-17]
  20. #592
    Why do you not want to kiss me?!
    — Heather [2015-08-17]
  21. #591
    How fast is JESUS?
    — Beej [2015-08-17]
  22. #590
    Ah, excellent! I've been needing to take a poop for so long...
    — Paul [2015-08-17]
  23. #589
    I needed to ride the sweet potato boat, and I didn't.
    — Heather [2015-08-16]
  24. #588
    And now we poop again!
    — Cori [2015-08-14]
  25. #587
    Are we dead? I don't remember dying.
    — Cori [2015-08-14]