LRRbot Quotes

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Please keep in mind that many of the following quotes are taken out of context, be it for comedic effect or out of necessity. Take all of them with a grain of salt and bear in mind they don't necessarily reflect their originators' views and opinions. That being said, if you find any quote to be particularly awful, please notify the moderator of your choice to have its removal evaluated.
  1. #485
    Awww... I'm wet now...
    — Paul [2015-07-20]
  2. #484
    What depressing mugs...
    — Paul [2015-07-20]
  3. #483
    I don't know how squirrels think.
    — Paul [2015-07-20]
  4. #482
    I've been footed!
    — Graham [2015-07-20]
  5. #481
    Now I have the color of skin.
    — Graham [2015-07-20]
  6. #479
    The dream juice makes you forget.
    — Jer [2015-07-18]
  7. #478
    You saw something weird in Japan? A TASTELESS PRODUCT DECISION IN JAPAN?!
    — Jer [2015-07-18]
  8. #477
    Why have I not heard of this card? Probably because it's terrible.
    — Graham [2015-07-18]
  9. #476
    You don't actually watch my stream? lrrEFF you, then.
    — Adam [2015-07-18]
  10. #475
    The sword is sufficiently metal.
    — BusTed [2015-07-18]
  11. #474
    Flintstones! Meet the Flintstones! They're the modern Stone-Age lrrEFF !
    — Alex [2015-07-17]
  12. #473
    No, we are not going to *** Butts.
    — Suzie [2015-07-17]
  13. #472
    I would love to lrrEFF a wheelchair!
    — Alex [2015-07-17]
  14. #471
    Do you want to fight an optional goat?
    — Suzie [2015-07-17]
  15. #470
    Cram a canal!
    — Alex [2015-07-17]
  16. #469
    Go grab your junk.
    — Suzie [2015-07-17]
  17. #468
    I'm changing to the good film.
    — Alex [2015-07-17]
  18. #467
    *** I can eat hair if I want to! I can eat a hairpie!
    — Alex [2015-07-17]
  19. #466
    I don't keep track of a lot of things I say while I'm streaming.
    — Graham [2015-07-16]
  20. #465
    Please stop talking about my genitals! Mr. Dominator, sir, could you please stop talking about my erection.
    — Graham [2015-07-16]
  21. #464
    Why are we jumping ONTO the mountain?
    — Graham [2015-07-16]
  22. #463
    That really sounds like a stupid-ass play... which makes it kind of tempting.
    — James [2015-07-16]
  23. #462
    I would eat your fortress.
    — James [2015-07-16]
  24. #461
    That's where I store my birth control: on the roof!
    — Graham [2015-07-15]
  25. #460
    You're going to have to kill 5 monkeys to make up for that.
    — Paul [2015-07-15]