LRRbot Quotes

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Once you pop, you're full of cream.
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Please keep in mind that many of the following quotes are taken out of context, be it for comedic effect or out of necessity. Take all of them with a grain of salt and bear in mind they don't necessarily reflect their originators' views and opinions. That being said, if you find any quote to be particularly awful, please notify the moderator of your choice to have its removal evaluated.
  1. #424
    If you're going to poop stars, do it in your subconscious.
    — Ash [2015-07-08]
  2. #423
    Please tell me I can eat the train.
    — Heather [2015-07-08]
  3. #422
    I'd be soft and pink.
    — Heather [2015-07-08]
  4. #421
    Give me your butt!
    — Heather [2015-07-08]
  5. #420
    Get inside my gun!
    — Alex [2015-07-07]
  6. #419
    We are the *** monster...
    — Alex [2015-07-07]
  7. #418
    What? Sorry, I was busy dying.
    — Alex [2015-07-07]
  8. #417
    That's not what jellyfish do. That's a squid move!
    — Paul
  9. #416
    I am armed and dangerous. Those two points are unrelated, though. I both have arms and am dangerous.
    — Paul [2015-07-06]
  10. #415
    You may consensually touch parts that are authorized by both parties.
    — Alex [2015-07-04]
  11. #414
    I wanna lrrEFF Galactus or nothing else
    — Adam [2015-07-04]
  12. #413
    Your vending machine is bogarding my stash!
    — Adam [2015-07-04]
  13. #411
    I am disgusting and repulsive.
    — Alex [2015-07-03]
  14. #410
    We have a "slight hustle" button.
    — Alex [2015-07-03]
  15. #409
    Not in front of the Chat!
    — Cameron, to Julie [2015-07-02]
  16. #408
    You don't just *** my pants. You *** your own.
    — Cameron [2015-07-02]
  17. #407
    *Superman theme song done in "Bwee"s*
    — Cameron [2015-07-02]
  18. #406
    Why are we wearing hot dogs?
    — Cameron [2015-07-02]
  19. #405
    I figured out you can't block fire with a sword.
    — James [2015-07-02]
  20. #404
    Stop eating me, you stupid fish! I'll murder you! I'll murder you, you damn fish!
    — James [2015-07-02]
  21. #403
    Nope. I'm Kathleen now. It's canon.
    — Julie [2015-07-01]
  22. #402
    I had a pretty powerful quote about butts the other day
    — Serge [2015-07-01]
  23. #401
    Do you need me to lick the roof of your mouth?
    — Julie [2015-07-01]
  24. #400
    He's breaking my butt.
    — Julie [2015-07-01]
  25. #399
    It mocks me!
    — Paul [2015-07-01]