LRRbot Quotes

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Please keep in mind that many of the following quotes are taken out of context, be it for comedic effect or out of necessity. Take all of them with a grain of salt and bear in mind they don't necessarily reflect their originators' views and opinions. That being said, if you find any quote to be particularly awful, please notify the moderator of your choice to have its removal evaluated.
  1. #298
    I kill you until you die from it.
    — Paul [2015-05-25]
  2. #297
    She's human... just a goth.
    — Paul [2015-05-25]
  3. #296
    You have to give them time to physically enter the onion.
    — Compleatly
  4. #295
    My gun's just like my dick, Graham; it goes up at an angle.
    — Alex [2014-07-18]
  5. #294
    Puns are the best and you can quote me on that.
    — Heather [2015-05-24]
  6. #293
    I thought I could jump out of the wind.
    — Beej [2015-05-21]
  7. #292
    I can hardly begrudge the people who incessantly told us to kill the merchant because he drops a sweet katana because that's where we got our new euphemism for pooping: "Excuse me, I have to go and drop a sweet katana." Although it should be more like "excuse me, I have to go comment in a Dark Souls chatroom."
    — Cameron [2015-05-20]
    Bloodborne on A Swiftly Tilting Cameron
  8. #291
    I don't think I can chat and boss at the same time.
    — Alex [2015-05-19]
  9. #290
    This is not a real Heather quote.
    — Heather [2015-05-19]
  10. #288
    I can see my thingie going bigger.
    — Paul [2015-05-18]
  11. #287
    Passed with flying colors... as in... the colors flew off.
    — Paul [2015-05-18]
  12. #286
    Good luck Cam! - Get out.
    — Matt and Cam [2015-05-17]
  13. #285
    Usually people die when you rip their innards out. Usually.
    — Cameron [2015-05-17]
  14. #284
    Never drink from an Erlenmeyer, dude. Shit's gross.
    — Cameron [2015-05-17]
  15. #283
    I smell like if God rubbed his f**king armpit on my butthole
    — Adam [2015-05-17]
  16. #281
    I don't remember saying that and that was just a few days ago.
    — James [2015-05-17]
  17. #279
    !findquote dickbutt
    — Trippzen [2015-05-16]
  18. #278
    You have to understand: I'm TERRIBLY white...
    — Graham [2015-05-14]
  19. #277
    — Honeywell
  20. #276
    Let's go blow up some iron!
    — RebelliousUno [2015-05-14]
  21. #275
    If this is the Vatican, this makes so much more sense.
    — Ian [2015-05-12]
  22. #274
    Everyone's coming back to life and it's terrible...
    — Ian [2015-05-12]
  23. #273
    I am the prettiest lrrEFF ing princess and don't you forget about it.
    — Cameron [2015-05-12]
  24. #272
    Even ghosts have innards.
    — Cameron [2015-05-12]
  25. #270
    I have a large collection of boots.
    — DeusParnel [2015-05-12]