LRRbot Quotes

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Never trust someone who paraphrases Cormac McCarthy.
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Please keep in mind that many of the following quotes are taken out of context, be it for comedic effect or out of necessity. Take all of them with a grain of salt and bear in mind they don't necessarily reflect their originators' views and opinions. That being said, if you find any quote to be particularly awful, please notify the moderator of your choice to have its removal evaluated.
  1. #243
    Hotcarlson, did you send those dick pics like I told you to?
    — Adam [2015-05-07]
  2. #242
    If you don't have a sponge guy, you're not living life right.
    — James [2015-05-07]
  3. #241
    Why do you want to get into some guy? I did not know it was that kind of game.
    — James [2015-05-05]
  4. #240
    Wait, which one of these buckets do I poop in?
    — Alex [2015-05-05]
  5. #239
    Boy, is my butt tired.
    — Alex [2015-05-05]
  6. #238
    I'm basically a raptor.
    — James [2015-05-05]
  7. #237
    When the opportunity arises, I do eat humans.
    — James [2015-05-05]
  8. #236
    Why can't I have sex?
    — Ian [2015-05-05]
  9. #235
    I would not call the White House 'handsome.'
    — Cori [2015-05-05]
  10. #234
    I can burp on command. I'm a classy lady.
    — Kathleen [2015-05-04]
  11. #233
    That's probably old enough to see a forest of dongs.
    — Kathleen [2015-05-04]
  12. #232
    F*ck off, Sticky Keys!
    — Alex [2015-05-02]
  13. #231
    I was trying to say 'butt' and '*ss' at the same time.
    — Kathleen [2015-05-04]
  14. #230
    — Graham [2015-05-04]
  15. #229
    All the plants outside are having sex.
    — Graham [2015-05-04]
  16. #228
    I'm in a dark void!
    — Graham [2015-05-04]
  17. #227
    You had a mole!
    — Kathleen [2015-05-04]
  18. #226
    Look at the pores!
    — Paul [2015-05-04]
  19. #225
    Bird mom? Yeah, I'd let Eileen puke in my mouth.
    — Cameron [2015-04-30]
  20. #224
    Not gonna lie to you guys, lighting a man on fire feels awfully nice.
    — Cameron [2015-04-30]
  21. #223
    I think the problem is that we're smarter than the internet.
    — Paul [2009-03-03]
  22. #222
    I can't identify that cheese.
    — Graham [2015-04-30]
  23. #221
    Usually, in my dreams, the ghosts just give me a knife.
    — Cameron [2015-04-30]
  24. #220
    Of course it makes perfect sense! What do the ghosts give you when *you* die? They always give *me* weapons.
    — Cameron [2015-04-30]
  25. #219
    Little known secret: I tend to freckle in the summer.
    — Cameron [2015-04-30]