LRRbot Quotes

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Please keep in mind that many of the following quotes are taken out of context, be it for comedic effect or out of necessity. Take all of them with a grain of salt and bear in mind they don't necessarily reflect their originators' views and opinions. That being said, if you find any quote to be particularly awful, please notify the moderator of your choice to have its removal evaluated.
  1. #269
    I cannot violence at the moment.
    — Graham [2015-05-11]
  2. #268
    Go away, gravity.
    — Paul [2015-05-11]
  3. #267
    Let's take the... Kirby... out of Christmas... wait what?
    — Paul [2015-05-11]
  4. #266
    Kirby is like 80% face.
    — DrMcGoodTimes [2015-05-11]
  5. #265
    Civility? That's for scrubs!
    — Kathleen [2015-05-11]
  6. #264
    Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!
    — Construction Equipment
  7. #263
    I want to blue-shell people in real life. Grrrrr...
    — Kathleen [2015-05-11]
  8. #262
    I have a Sponge Guy.
    — Ian
  9. #261
    Well played, pig. Well played. You get to keep your rectum.
    — Cameron [2015-05-01]
  10. #260
    He's doing a way too good a job protecting his butt.
    — Cameron [2015-05-01]
  11. #259
    I discovered some delightful new ways to f*ck up.
    — Alex [2015-05-01]
  12. #258
    This man's *ss is glowing.
    — Cameron [2015-04-30]
  13. #257
    I would rather be lucky than good.
    — Adam [2015-05-09]
  14. #256
    Take me down to the Mimic City where the chests are… I don't know… full of teeth?
    — Adam [2015-05-09]
  15. #255
    I can't wait for the opportunity to inject myself with morphine I found on the ground.
    — Alex [2015-05-09]
  16. #254
    Cameron *does* drop a sweet katana. Out of his butt. Julie put it there.
    — Cameron and Alex [2015-05-08]
  17. #253
    I saw this guy once touch his own flaming balls.
    — Cameron [2015-04-30]
  18. #252
    It's just like high school, everyone is partying and I'm out here killing dogs with a saw.
    — Cameron [2015-04-30]
  19. #251
    Life is a spike-ball guy you don't want to fight a second time.
    — Alex [2015-05-08]
  20. #250
    Move your molasses legs!
    — Alex [2015-05-08]
  21. #249
    Let's <belch>!
    — Alex [2015-05-08]
  22. #247
    They have a ledger of hatred. I wish I had one of those.
    — Paul [2015-04-15]
  23. #246
    I don't really care about my testicles *that* much.
    — James [2015-05-07]
  24. #245
    There are worse problems to have in life than a bunch of nude selfies… with sponges.
    — James [2015-05-07]
  25. #244
    I don't want to see a picture of somebody covering their private parts with the sponge.
    — James [2015-05-07]