LRRbot Quotes

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Currently playing: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl on Play it Forward [Watch live]
Please keep in mind that many of the following quotes are taken out of context, be it for comedic effect or out of necessity. Take all of them with a grain of salt and bear in mind they don't necessarily reflect their originators' views and opinions. That being said, if you find any quote to be particularly awful, please notify the moderator of your choice to have its removal evaluated.
  1. #8291
    What's more important: an Olympic gold medal, or the ability to tear a bear in half with your bare hands?
    — Ian [2022-10-23]
    Yoiyami Dancers: Twilight Danmaku Dancers on Rhythm Cafe
  2. #8290
    All songs can't be true all the time.
    — Paul [2022-10-23]
    Just Chatting on CheckPoint Plus
  3. #8289
    I need you to ignore the burning smell for this one.
    — Heather [2022-10-22]
    Special Events on Friday Night Paper Fight
  4. #8288
    I just want to be winning before I die.
    — Bengineering [2022-10-22]
    Special Events on Friday Night Paper Fight
  5. #8287
    We're not really here for points, we're here for horror.
    — Heather [2022-10-22]
    Special Events on Friday Night Paper Fight
  6. #8286
    Ian, your pumpkin is wrong.
    — Heather [2022-10-22]
    Special Events on Friday Night Paper Fight
  7. #8285
    I am good at puzzles made for children.
    — Nelson [2022-10-19]
    Tunic on Play it Forward
  8. #8284
    I would like to be in a world that isn't broken.
    — Serge [2022-10-18]
    Minecraft on Play it Forward
  9. #8283
    The fastest way out of any location is murder.
    — Nelson [2022-10-17]
    Tunic on Play it Forward
  10. #8282
    OK I'm too cute.
    — Nelson [2022-10-17]
    Tunic on Play it Forward
  11. #8281
    We get weird.
    — Heather [2022-10-16]
    Just Chatting on Dice Friends
  12. #8280
    Heather was correct.
    — Jacob [2022-10-16]
    Just Chatting on Dice Friends
  13. #8279
    Every part of the sandwich is a mystery.
    — Paul [2022-10-07]
    None on Tinker, Tailor, Solder, Fry
  14. #8278
    Put me in the ocean!
    — Cori [2022-10-10]
    Art on Rhythm Cafe
  15. #8277
    Circles are just holes you haven't fallen down yet.
    — James [2022-10-10]
    Art on Rhythm Cafe
  16. #8276
    Remember, chat, there is breath play in this game.
    — Ian [2022-10-09]
    Trombone Champ on Rhythm Cafe
  17. #8275
    The slippery snake of knowledge is coming for you.
    — Heather [2022-10-09]
    Trombone Champ on Rhythm Cafe
  18. #8274
    I regret nothing!
    — Jacob [2022-10-09]
    Vampire: The Masquerade on Dice Friends
  19. #8273
    Heather will propose fire.
    — Heather [2022-10-09]
    Vampire: The Masquerade on Dice Friends
  20. #8272
    Some days you're the meteor and some days you're the dinosaur.
    — Adam [2022-10-09]
    Vampire: The Masquerade on Dice Friends
  21. #8271
    I heard there was a secret poop that David found.
    — Cameron [2022-10-09]
    Vampire: The Masquerade on Dice Friends
  22. #8270
    It's Halloween the 9th.
    — Jacob [2022-10-09]
    Vampire: The Masquerade on Dice Friends
  23. #8269
    Alright twinks -- mount up.
    — Wheeler [2022-10-08]
    Gwent: The Witcher Card Game on Friday Night Paper Fight
  24. #8268
    Is there a difference between "playable" and "you will play it"?
    — Paul [2022-10-07]
    Magic: The Gathering on Friday Night Paper Fight
  25. #8267
    Eggs and nuts. S'great. Gets my seal of approval.
    — Wheeler [2022-10-07]
    Magic: The Gathering on Friday Night Paper Fight