LRRbot Quotes

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Please keep in mind that many of the following quotes are taken out of context, be it for comedic effect or out of necessity. Take all of them with a grain of salt and bear in mind they don't necessarily reflect their originators' views and opinions. That being said, if you find any quote to be particularly awful, please notify the moderator of your choice to have its removal evaluated.
  1. #8215
    Vampires do not poop; we have discussed this *several* times.
    — Heather [2022-09-05]
    Travel & Outdoors on Rhythm Cafe
  2. #8214
    I'm just going until you get annoyed with me.
    — Az [2022-09-05]
    Art on Rhythm Cafe
  3. #8213
    I don't come to your house and tell you not to stand in the danger puddles.
    — Cori [2022-09-04]
    Across the Obelisk on Rhythm Cafe
  4. #8212
    Hokaaaderagh defhasiba haparum hiyurn! Ayhahmmm mmm mmmmm! ...Yeah, try quote that one, chat.
    — Ian [2022-09-04]
    Crypt of the NecroDancer on Rhythm Cafe
  5. #8211
    I appreciate the scared, run-into-a-hole action that you chose.
    — Heather, to Ian [2022-09-04]
    Crypt of the NecroDancer on Rhythm Cafe
  6. #8210
    I'm not here to think. I'm here to lead people to spiritual enlightenment, and that's it.
    — Serge [2022-09-03]
    Cult of the Lamb on Friday Night Paper Fight
  7. #8209
    Cast off the shackles of the 'Family-Friendly' tag and join us, Serge. Become a filthmonger. Embrace lewdness and gore.
    — Julie, taunting Serge from chat [2022-09-03]
    Cult of the Lamb on Friday Night Paper Fight
  8. #8208
    Don't make me pray away your butts away again.
    — Serge [2022-09-03]
    Cult of the Lamb on Friday Night Paper Fight
  9. #8207
    Welcome to Tinker Tailor Solder Fry. Today we're pickling prunes!
    — Serge, imitating Ian [2022-09-02]
    Magic: The Gathering on Friday Night Paper Fight
  10. #8206
    I don't read the comments often, but I'll be reading the comments on this one!
    — James [2022-09-02]
    Magic: The Gathering on Friday Night Paper Fight
  11. #8205
    Beej! Stop ruining art!
    — Heather [2022-09-02]
    Just Chatting on CheckPoint Plus
  12. #8204
    The first thing you're gonna do James is give me money.
    — Serge [2022-09-02]
    Cult of the Lamb on Tinker, Tailor, Solder, Fry
  13. #8203
    oh isn't this adorable, my eyes are bleeding.
    — Serge [2022-09-02]
    Cult of the Lamb on Tinker, Tailor, Solder, Fry
  14. #8202
    Wake up, new skins just dropped.
    — Serge [2022-09-02]
    Cult of the Lamb on Tinker, Tailor, Solder, Fry
  15. #8201
    Oh no why do they also love poop?
    — Serge [2022-09-02]
    Cult of the Lamb on Tinker, Tailor, Solder, Fry
  16. #8200
    I think we can all agree: this is Beej's fault.
    — Wheeler [2022-08-31]
    Board Games on AFK
  17. #8199
    That's why we're so good together. I'm smart, and you're handsome.
    — Ben, to Adam [2022-08-30]
    FOBIA: St. Dinfna Hotel on Let's NOPE
  18. #8198
    Do I have to re-cook it once I've puked on it?
    — Cori [2022-08-29]
    Spacelines from the Far Out on Crossing the Streams
  19. #8197
    If we get rid of the toilet, people are going to need the toilet.
    — Ben [2022-08-29]
    Spacelines from the Far Out on Crossing the Streams
  20. #8196
    Keep some slush for gas.
    — Cori [2022-08-29]
    Spacelines from the Far Out on Crossing the Streams
  21. #8195
    I am essentially a toddler!
    — Adam, as Oliver [2022-08-28]
    Vampire: The Masquerade on Dice Friends
  22. #8194
    What's your Dad Roll?
    — Jacob [2022-08-28]
    Vampire: The Masquerade on Dice Friends
  23. #8193
    I trust Adam to wreak havoc.
    — Cameron [2022-08-28]
    Vampire: The Masquerade on Dice Friends
  24. #8192
    With a pair of scissors, you can make anything a V-neck.
    — Heather [2022-08-28]
    Vampire: The Masquerade on Dice Friends
  25. #8191
    People love hearing my unfiltered thoughts.
    — Kathleen [2022-08-27]
    Magic: The Gathering Online on LRRMtG