LRRbot Quotes

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Currently playing: Aotenjo: Infinite Hands on Is This Your Card? [Watch live]
Please keep in mind that many of the following quotes are taken out of context, be it for comedic effect or out of necessity. Take all of them with a grain of salt and bear in mind they don't necessarily reflect their originators' views and opinions. That being said, if you find any quote to be particularly awful, please notify the moderator of your choice to have its removal evaluated.
  1. #8140
    Did this please the hamburger people?
    — Ian [2022-07-17]
    pop'n music Best Hits on Rhythm Cafe
  2. #8139
    I regret nothing and everything! It's a state of mind!
    — Heather [2022-07-17]
    pop'n music Best Hits on Rhythm Cafe
  3. #8138
    Is a rat king just a rat polycule?
    — Adam [2022-07-14]
    Board Games on The Long Game
  4. #8137
    If I can't be a good example, at least I can be a horrible one.
    — Jacob [2022-07-13]
    Warhammer on AFK
  5. #8136
    We need to be either cringe or filthy.
    — Nelson [2022-07-13]
    Magic: The Gathering on Friday Night Paper Fight
  6. #8135
    Jo is S-tier.
    — Serge [2022-07-12]
    Minecraft on Crossing the Streams
  7. #8134
    I've seen worse things done with my DNA.
    — James [2022-07-12]
    Minecraft on Crossing the Streams
  8. #8133
    Confidence does not mean correctness.
    — Serge [2022-07-11]
    Just Chatting on Crossing the Streams
  9. #8132
    Maybe I don't know the value of my own feet.
    — Serge [2022-07-11]
    Just Chatting on Crossing the Streams
  10. #8131
    The metaverse is sweaty from the neck up.
    — Ian [2022-07-10]
    Space Channel 5 VR: Kinda Funky News Flash on Rhythm Cafe
  11. #8130
    Do you ever just look at your hands and wonder why they do that?
    — Ian [2022-07-10]
    Space Channel 5 VR: Kinda Funky News Flash on Rhythm Cafe
  12. #8129
    I never knew it was possible to do an upskirt from the top.
    — Ian [2022-07-10]
    Space Channel 5 VR: Kinda Funky News Flash on Rhythm Cafe
  13. #8128
    I'm like a cat that just finished cleaning itself! I'm like oo man, feelin' kinda cute!
    — Adam [2022-07-07]
    Magic: The Gathering Online on LRRMtG
  14. #8127
    Yo, I just got knocked out by a monkey!
    — Ben [2022-07-04]
    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge on Crossing the Streams
  15. #8126
    The crotch area, one of the big problem spots.
    — Cori [2022-07-04]
    Art on Rhythm Cafe
  16. #8125
    They found a way to make the Apocalypse fuckable.
    — Wheeler [2022-07-03]
    Shadowverse on Rhythm Cafe
  17. #8124
    That said, if greed is on the table..." "You're all for greed, huh?
    — Wheeler and Taalia [2022-07-02]
    Magic: The Gathering Online on LRRMtG
  18. #8123
    Out of respect, the pants will stay on.
    — Beej [2022-06-30]
    Tabletop RPGs on Dice Friends
  19. #8122
    I'm on the Internet, I have brain worms.
    — Ian [2022-06-27]
    Drink More Glurp on Watch and Play
  20. #8121
    It's the philosophical idea of tasting a candle.
    — Ian [2022-06-26]
    Groove Coaster: Wai Wai Party!!!! on Watch and Play
  21. #8120
    My mind is always empty, that's my secret.
    — Ian [2022-06-25]
    Special Events on Watch and Play
  22. #8119
    Thicker! Thicker! More viscous!
    — Beej [2022-06-24]
    Metroid: Other M on Watch and Play
  23. #8118
    I've lit enough things on fire that everyone's allowed one.
    — Ian, on swearing on TTSF [2022-06-23]
    Makers & Crafting on Watch and Play
  24. #8117
    The pig is not ignoring you James, it's actively gaming.
    — Serge [2022-06-21]
    Minecraft on Watch and Play
  25. #8116
    I want to make the robot's balls drop.
    — Ian [2022-06-20]
    Power Stone 2 on Watch and Play