LRRbot Quotes

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The answer to every question is Alex.
The stream is not currently live. Next scheduled stream: Watch + Play (There's an endless amount of bad games out there. Thankfully Graham and Alex are cool enough dudes to wade through them. It's GARBAGE DAY Y'ALL!) at Wed 02:00 PM PDT (10m from now).
Please keep in mind that many of the following quotes are taken out of context, be it for comedic effect or out of necessity. Take all of them with a grain of salt and bear in mind they don't necessarily reflect their originators' views and opinions. That being said, if you find any quote to be particularly awful, please notify the moderator of your choice to have its removal evaluated.
  1. #7689
    Well this is awkward.
    — Cameron [2021-07-07]
    Magic: The Gathering on One More
  2. #7688
    I forgot about Oubliette!
    — Cameron [2021-07-07]
    Magic: The Gathering on One More
  3. #7687
    Go ahead and tap your D20.
    — Dale [2021-07-07]
    Magic: The Gathering on One More
  4. #7686
    Are GMs not entitled to the waving of their hands?
    — Cameron [2021-07-07]
    Magic: The Gathering on One More
  5. #7685
    We've created something weird.
    — Graham [2021-07-07]
    Magic: The Gathering on One More
  6. #7684
    (Chat is) like talking to MENSA compared to these two.
    — Serge, on James and RebelliousUno [2021-07-06]
    Minecraft on Mine O'Clock
  7. #7683
    I'm the brain whisperer.
    — Serge [2021-07-06]
    Minecraft on Mine O'Clock
  8. #7682
    Let's go attack and despawn god.
    — Serge [2021-07-06]
    Minecraft on Mine O'Clock
  9. #7681
    Am I James's Freakazoid?
    — Serge [2021-07-06]
    Minecraft on Mine O'Clock
  10. #7680
    I don't know if I helped, but I tried.
    — Michelle Rapp, as DM [2021-07-05]
    Tabletop RPGs on One More
  11. #7679
    This is a horrible thing I've done.
    — Andy [2021-07-05]
    Tabletop RPGs on One More
  12. #7678
    All of the werewolves are secretly Tim Allen.
    — Michelle Rapp [2021-07-05]
    Tabletop RPGs on One More
  13. #7677
    You're fighting a garbage disposal with tentacles.
    — Michelle Rapp [2021-07-05]
    Tabletop RPGs on One More
  14. #7676
    If there's any bad guys, you should bite their bums.
    — Kathleen, as Ontology Jones [2021-07-05]
    Tabletop RPGs on One More
  15. #7675
    I would like to move to protect the tiny drunks.
    — Kathleen [2021-07-05]
    Tabletop RPGs on One More
  16. #7674
    Sometimes when they tell you it can't be done, they're right.
    — Cori [2021-07-05]
    Art on One More
  17. #7673
    Once you go ugly, can you go back?
    — Cori [2021-07-05]
    Art on One More
  18. #7672
    I do lots of things other people don't do.
    — Angel [2021-07-05]
    Art on One More
  19. #7671
    I need a knives drawer.
    — Cori [2021-07-05]
    Art on One More
  20. #7670
    I mean, promises are just threats. A threat you haven't gone through with yet.
    — Heather [2021-07-04]
    Wandersong on One More
  21. #7669
    Green means healing.
    — Adam [2021-07-04]
    Returnal on One More
  22. #7668
    Jean-luc Picard is the 1%.
    — Adam [2021-07-03]
    Returnal on One More
  23. #7667
    I am at my happiest when I'm hiding in a bush in Tarkov.
    — James [2021-07-01]
    Escape from Tarkov on One More
  24. #7666
    When you get to the coast, look for the boat.
    — Serge [2021-06-29]
    Minecraft on Mine O'Clock
  25. #7665
    This is too much damage for a fancy man.
    — Cameron [2021-06-28]
    Tabletop RPGs on Rhythm Cafe