Please keep in mind that many of the following quotes are taken out of context, be it for comedic effect or out of necessity. Take all of them with a grain of salt and bear in mind they don't necessarily reflect their originators' views and opinions. That being said, if you find any quote to be particularly awful, please notify the moderator of your choice to have its removal evaluated.
Why do all noises that come out of Ian suck?
None on Rhythm Cafe
I don't know what you're talking about and I don't want to.
to Ian
None on Rhythm Cafe
I am small and me.
None on Rhythm Cafe
Just cruising past the finish line in a slightly damaged train. That's how I want to end next year's 24 Hours of LRRMans.
Rhythm Heaven Megamix on Rhythm Cafe
Everything I say is steeped in controversy.
Magic: The Gathering on Rhythm Cafe
I'm not trapped in here with you, you're trapped- ow.
Minecraft Dungeons on Rhythm Cafe
Remember kids: don't play like I play.
Minecraft Dungeons on Rhythm Cafe
Now if I were a key, and God willing someday I will be....
Minecraft Dungeons on Rhythm Cafe
For awhile I wasn't powerful, and it felt bad, now I feel good....any questions?
Minecraft Dungeons on Rhythm Cafe
I don't know what it is, but there's something weirdly erotic about those peas.
Rhythm Fighter on Rhythm Cafe
Shoot him with that fish!
to an imaginary Ben Ulmer
Just Chatting on Rhythm Cafe
Petting the dog is the reward unto its self.
Just Chatting on Rhythm Cafe
The more of the skin you remove, the more it looks like a droid.
Makers & Crafting on Rhythm Cafe
Important question: If I die, do I still get paid?
Phasmophobia on Rhythm Cafe
Somebody turn off the lights and leave me alone!
Phasmophobia on Rhythm Cafe
The key has been delivered, I repeat.
Minecraft Dungeons on Rhythm Cafe
Nothing but weird, fleshy net.
Minecraft Dungeons on Rhythm Cafe
'Why does your dog have so many arrows in it's face?' 'It likes to play fetch?'
RebelliousUno and Serge
Minecraft Dungeons on Rhythm Cafe
Behind you James, I'm the corpse.
Minecraft Dungeons on Rhythm Cafe
I am obligated to inform you that a threat has been made against you.
as DM, the one making the threat
Tabletop RPGs on Rhythm Cafe
You may be literally the boss of me but you're not the boss of me.
as Barker
Tabletop RPGs on Rhythm Cafe
'He puts people in Jars.' 'No he doesn't, he just doesn't free them.'
Cori and Cameron,
on Adam
Art on Rhythm Cafe
Things that are scared of you can't be scary, right?
Ikenfell on LRRMtG
You can't get more gamer than a muffin on a progress bar!
Just Chatting on LRRMtG
We're here to get hecked up on autumn!
Animal Crossing: New Horizons on LRRMtG